Foundations of Electrical Networks
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PhD student in Electrical Engineering, MSc and BSc in communication systems. I have taught more tha...
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Final year PhD! Recently submitted my PhD thesis! Earned a Master’s degree with an average of 87 in...
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Hi my name is Daniel and I'm still studying my 3rd year of Science. I am majoring in Electrical Engi...
Fantastic subject. I love this sort of content anyway so I may be a bit biased. Lectures were prerecorded but oh boy were they good. Probably best recorded lectures I've seen. (Brian Krongold was the lecturer). Content could be hard at times, but a great intro. Workshops can be fun in groups too.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Highly recommended subject for Electrical and Electronic beginner. Main study outcomes: 1) Electrical & Electronic Background knowledge: charge, current, voltage, power, conservation of energy 2) Network models & Circuit Analysis Tools: RLC circuit, transient analysis of simple circuits, KVL, KCL, diodes, LTI system, transformers, DC and AC analysis via mesh and node techniques, equivalent circuits 3) Electrical Power Systems: power generation and transmission, analysis of 1-phase and balanced 3-phase AC power systems 4) Analysis and design of networks: ideal and non-ideal operational amplifiers 5) Lab: MATLAB, LTSpice, breadboard, electronic components, digital multimeter, power supply, and oscilloscope.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
If analog is what you're interested in, this subject has got you covered. Well taught, it's really just the standard unimelb science format to be expected. The lecturer Robert is great, there's something about him that makes me trust him with my life just from hearing the lecture recordings. Idk why. But, I (mechanical student) found this subject very boring as I hate analog and only enjoy (esd2 style) digital. The digital section in ELEN20005 is the last of 9 chapters and is essentially some of what you already learnt in esd2 (as Robert isn't allowed to treat esd2 as assumed knowledge) but with added electrical device modelling. So this subject is basically just DC and AC circuit analysis which would be very useful to extend upon in the electrical major, but doesn't feel so useful for other majors as a once off elective (though combining with Digital Systems Design would probably solve this issue). It's a good subject if it's what you want, just know that a big portion of the subject is "find the voltage/current/power at node 3," and you won't do all that much circuit design according to the lecturer as this is meant to teach you the skills to be able to do that later
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020
Fundamental subject for those who need to pursue their majors in electrical engineering, power systems, transmission and distribution. It offers core concepts in field of electrical networks. Starting with basics like charge, current, voltage and power, it moves towards the solution of complex circuits containing multiple active and passive circuit elements. I rate this course with five stars because of its rigorous structure and keen importance.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017
Teaches you the basics of the Electronic world and gets you on your way to geeking out over circuits.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015
Great subject that teaches the fundamentals needed for electrical and biomedical engineering. Helpful hands-on labs that complement lecture content.