Grid Integration Of Renewables
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Interesting subject where you get an educated view on the implications/effects of renewables on the system. Tricky workshops which weren't always clear - I'd recommend this subject if you are genuinely interested in the topic as you can learn a lot, but it's certainly not an 'easy' subject in terms of reward for effort or subject organisation as the other review touched on
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Despite this being a 5 star review, it would have easily been 2 stars. The first half lectures are taken by Nando and he comes off as very rude but is actually really good - lots of times he shows his frustration when people don't pay attention and miss simple things. The first half workshops, however, suck. We used a program called opendss which was the worst. If you didn't clear the entire workshop after you made a mistake, your results were worthless and had to be redone. The second half was shared by Pierluigi and Mehdi. Their lectures were exact opposites of each other - Mehdi's lectures came with few slides with the point easily conveyed (and provided solutions to his exercises). Pierluigi didn't bother to include any solutions to his homeworks and his slides were both messy and plenty. The second half workshops were, in my opinion from only doing workshop 10 and 11, the best thing about this course. Mehdi created a model of the South-East power network and interconnectors which, along with his phd paper and lectures as a resource, gave you the most applicable knowledge. But easily the most disappointing part of this course, and which made me consider giving it a 2 star review, was the communication. Only the second half was assessed in the final and no where - despite what Nando, Pier and Mehdi say - was it stated in the content. We found out through the discussion forums and our groupchats. To make matters worse, when we informed them they said it was in the subject outline but it wasn't and failed to make an announcement to inform the cohort of this. This communication was poor in many regards, especially with the workshop part 2 where tables/figures/quantitative analysis was required but the question was posed as a qualitative assessment. This course has great potential and has so far been my favourite power course but my opinions will not be wholly good. Take this course considering this review.