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Comprehensive food20003 final exam notes (human nutrition) H1

Includes: Week 1 Overview of Nutrition Week 4 (b) Overview of digestion Week 5 Carbohydrates Wee...

84 pages, 35321 words

Comprehensive Lecture Summary Notes for FOOD20003

A comprehensive set of notes covered all 36 Lectures, including diagrams and pictures. Organised int...

61 pages, 15000 words

FOOD20003 : Food Chemistry, Biology, and Nutrition -Summary Textbook and Lecture Notes

Covers all lectures and important parts of the textbook 1. Overview of Nutrition 2. Digestion and...

30 pages, 12354 words

Comprehensive food20003 mst notes (food science) 92.5

This notes is all you need to ace the mid semester test: Week 2 (a) Carbohydrates (Food Science)...

21 pages, 6674 words

FOOD20003 Food Chemistry, Biology, and Nutrition (H1:95) Mid-Semester Test Notes

I wrote up my notes based on both the lecture slides and the textbook Understanding Nutrition. T...

78 pages, 25856 words

Comprehensive Food Nutrition Summary Notes

Full 12 weeks of lecture summaries Well spaced out for further annotation with many images includ...

120 pages, 16722 words

FOOD20003 Chapter 1 - Overview of Nutrition Notes (H1 - 95)

This is the Topic 1/Chapter 1 notes for the subject - Intro to Food Science & Human Nutrition (FOOD...

21 pages, 5436 words


$25 per hour

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$40 per hour

Hello, my name is Sharon! I graduated with a BSc Food Science from Unimelb in 2022. I averaged 86.5...


$60 per hour

MMI TUTORING AVAILABLE SPOTS Hello! My name is R.M I’m a previous Bachelor of Biomedicine gr...


$80 per hour

Hey! I am a Ph.D researcher in chemistry, and I'm capable of providing comprehensive instruction on...


$50 per hour

Hi there! I’m a Master’s of Biotechnology student at the University of Melbourne. As someone who has...

Liz Leya

$40 per hour

Hi, I'm a post graduate in Unimelb in Food Science. I have done a triple major undergraduate degree...


First and foremost: If you're doing this subject and want to do decently well, GET THE TEXTBOOK AND USE IT. Because, annoyingly, a considerable chunk of the content examinable is actually ripped straight from the readings, a lot of which is actually not present in the lectures (which begs the question of whether the lectures are run well in the first place). Some of the learning outcomes are quite vague, and some of the content examinable also isn't even encompassed by any learning outcomes either, so you have to do the dirty work of picking and choosing what's actually high yield for the MST/exam. The assignments are straightforward, but they hardly give you any feedback nor do they provide you with sample/exemplar responses, which is particularly egregious. Don't let the super nice tutors distract you from the fact that the human nutrition coordinator is unnecessarily passive aggressive.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Worst subject ever, poorly coordinated. Barely any practice materials were given for the exams. No guidance or samples for the assignments and little to no feedback for it after either.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

terrible coordination. The team is very incapable of running the subject. Zero feedback given (feedback should be a given in any subject), little to none practice exams/questions. Do not do this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Personally I didn't find this subject too bad. My grievances with it would properly be the structuring of topics as well as how the lectures were taught. However, the assessments were fairly straightforward. I STRONGLY recommend using the textbook (in fact, this is how I supplemented my study from the lectures because some information was just not taught???). TLDR: Lectures were kind of bad but content was easy. Use the textbook to study.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Did this subject in 2020- a lot of the complaints about this subject were based on the online nature of its delivery due to technical issues and backtracking which I believe wouldn’t even apply in the live-delivery of this subject anyway. While the mst did have 5ish erroneous questions, they removed them from grading, and tbh I found the other assessments (essay and exam) to actually be very easy to score well in. The MCQ were super basic in the exam and as long as you read the essay description and write about the topics they suggest a 90 is definitely possible! The resources in this subject were incredible. I 100% recommend the the textbook because it’s very clear and even has practise exam questions with answers. Also, every week the lecturers give you 30ish sample MCQ questions with answers on the topic as practise. The content was super fun and feels really relevant and it will definitely inform you about your nutritional choices! The staff are also super easy to access because of the discussion board and they provide thorough, timely answers to each student. I loved this subject and definitely recommend- please don’t be deterred by bad reviews about tech issues because I doubt they will even be relevant in the future when in person exams resume, and this subject had great real-life application :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

As you probably guessed, the subject has a history of poor coordination (and very sadly it still continues to this date)! The MST was relatively straight forward (but had no back-tracking) and the essays were marked quite harshly (considering they did not not even provide with an exemplar). On to the exam - the MCQ part was easy (this time around they enabled back tracking) but Part B SAQ due to technical issues was pretty difficult (the questions were pretty broad - "2 marks to explain the whole universe"). Having said that, I'm still inclined to give 4 stars primarily due to a relatively easy content, which you could cram during SWOTVAC (if you ask me I spent two weeks before the exam catching up with 8 weeks of content and managed to get a "decent" mark)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

The subject was coordinated very poorly. Lectures were delivered as lecture recordings online due to Covid-19. Some lecturers were just terrible (mumbling or simply reading off the powerpoint), watching their lectures was simply a torture. Only do the subject if you want to practise your self-teaching skills. It was much easier to understand the content by reading the textbook than by watching terrible lecture recordings. In terms of assessments, I personally think they were not adjusted reasonably. MST was MCQ on food science aspect of the subject. As it was done online this year, time limit was set to be very very tight. The questions were worded really badly and there were errors in some of the questions as well. To me, errors in test questions is simply ridiculous. It shows how irresponsible they are coz they can't even be bothered to double check the test questions to make sure the questions are right. They also disabled the backtracking function so if we chose the wrong answer and moved on to the next question, that's it, can't go back and change it. For the final exam, there were MCQs and Short Answer Questions. The MCQs for the exam were easy and straight forward if you know the content reasonably well. For SAQs, they put the questions in a word document that was poorly formatted. And again, time limit was very tight and there was a major tech issue with CANVAS (couldn't even log in to canvas to download the questions for at least 10 minutes). There was tech issue with uploading our answers as well, but it took the teaching team a long time to address and respond to these issues. Many students didn't even see their emails regarding the tech issues during the exam and were really disadvantaged because of this. What I heard the most from the teaching team was "the subject was never designed to have open book exams.", "we have 500+ submissions to mark every week (it was them that cancelled tutorials and made worksheet submission compulsory every week to make up for the attendance hurdle)". To me, it seemed that they just hate doing their jobs. Problems like these probably won't happen when everything is back to normal, but the teaching team response and their attitude say a lot about how disorganised and unsupportive they are. I wouldn't normally write a review but my experience was so bad that I had to write a review to give people an idea of what they're getting themselves into if they choose to undertake this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Don't do this subject. The test had questions that were never taught and essays were marked really really harshly.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2020

Had previously heard good things about this subject until this semester. Terrible. From lecturers to content to exams. Tough subject as a breath.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Terrible. Badly coordinated, really harsh marking on essay with nothing but a copy and paste piece of feedback, bad lecturing and really absurd lecture times that make it near-impossible to attend for most people. Steer clear.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019