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$70 per hour

I have previously worked at La Trobe, Swinburne and the University of Melbourne as a sessional tutor...


$50 per hour

Hi there! Bonjour ! French spelling making you irrationally angry at vowels? Conjugation doing yo...


$30 per hour

Bonjour! I am a Science student majoring in Human Structure and Function, at The University of Melbo...


I took this class after taking a year off from learning French, so it was a little bit challenging at the beginning to catch up with everyone who was fresh out of high school, but I managed to get back into it pretty quickly. The content was interesting enough - the tutes were pretty guided and my tutor, Anne, was really lovely and knowledgable about all of the issues we discussed. It was a more immersive learning experience as the classes were all in French and instead of focusing on grammar, it was mainly discussions surrounding content and French culture. We discussed many interesting topics like feminism, inclusive language, race, and academic literature. My only gripe with this subject is that the assignments were extremely vague and it felt like the teaching team didn't even know what the assignments were going to be about before they were almost upon us. It wasn't too heavy of a workload - there were a couple of readings/videos to watch/questions to answer before each tute, but if you didn't do them, everything was discussed in class anyway. I liked that there were many assessments throughout the semester because it felt like an accurate assessment of your French instead of all of the pressure placed on the final exam (only worth 30% and contains all of the components you've discussed over the sem).

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Interesting content, but lots of writing and honestly if you don't speak up in class you will rarely get a chance to practice oral skills. I got a 39 in VCE French and although it was challenging i finished with a H1, so I don't think it's too hard to do well in

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

I went from IB French HL to this subject, so the level of French was not an issue for me. The subject started out really interesting as we were learning about the different waves of feminism but then the content became really politics-heavy and gave politics majors and those interested in politics a bit of an unfair advantage. Also, the debate assignment was really confusing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

This subject is definitely challenging. The classes are all in french with no English and the content was often very broad and complex. If you enjoy being really challenged with your language skills then this is a good subject for you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

This subject is definitely challenging. The classes are all in french with no English and the content was often very broad and complex. If you enjoy being really challenged with your language skills then this is a good subject for you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

I went from an IB 6/7 in French language B to 69 overall for this subject. Some tutors mark harder than others, ensure your French writing is up to scratch before doing this subject

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

This subject is hard. I don't think anyone in my class didn't struggle. However, if you don't mind working hard and you do love french then it's a good level to push yourself to.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

speak as much as you can during the tutes, oral skills are super important !! Otherwise good subject and fun lecturer :)

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Lecturer was 'très bavarde' and engaging. Loved it! In my tute, there was a heavy focus on oral. Also, we were studying really pertinent issues like the French identity crisis, Islam in France, even touching on past history like Mai 68 and the Algerian war.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Coming from VCE where learning was more guided I found it quite hard to teach myself (the teachers don't really teach you new things, you're expected to do that at home), but many people found this easy and excelled! I didn't enjoy it so much, but I'm often lazy and for someone willing to work hard the two major topics of the Algerian War and Mai 68 would be fascinating!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015