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Hi there, I am currently doing my PhD in the History and Philosophy of Science, and I am a tutor...


I love the content! The subject was interesting, it has introduced me to many many things I don't know about the development of science. I have had no background knowledge of this, and I got through the course just fine. Gotta love Kristian, he's bloody awesome. Shane is very helpful and nice as well. The readings were long but at least they were interesting, took me some time to get used to that style of old English but I get the gist of most passages. The assignments are based on the passages and bloody hell were they hard, for me, in the least, many found it manageable but I guess I got low marks for it (around 60-70% for 3 of them) because I just couldn't write and pull the context from the passages. Big tip: Use google to read more about the context. I was on the borderline of giving up for the essay because it seemed like such a daunting task, but after just reading reading reading and planning a good structure for the essay, I got quite a high score for it. Don't stray from the subject and you'll be just fine. (Try to ace the Referencing part of the essay please.) The lecturer provides plenty of resources to read and just a little tip again: Google the subject before you actually read those resources, would be life-changing. You have the entire semester to do the essay but I did it 2 weeks before the deadline so don't worry too much. Tl;dr: Just take it! You'll enjoy it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021

This subject was super interesting! Learning about the history of the development of science and philosophy was fascinating, and John was a great tutor. Overall, it's quite possible to get a H1 provided you do the work!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Lectures are super engaging, but readings are quite boring and tutorials can't really make up for them (too many readings to discuss in 1 tute a week). The small assignments are pretty easy if you just pay attention in lectures but the final essay is hard as. You have to write a 2000 word research essay on a given topic but you have to come up with your own research question and you don't have a lot of time to do the research if you pick topics from later weeks. Did it as a breadth in science, it was very interesting but not a great WAM booster, so I guess you have to pick your battles.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

The content is so so interesting and fun, and the lecturer is really passionate. Missing some lectures sucked cause the audio doesn't pick up very well on Lecture Capture (lect tends to walk around and make a lot of hand gestures which you miss out on) Tutes were ok but could've gone a bit deeper (but I guess it was our group who didn't engage enough) Assignments are decent if you stay on top of the lectures. Final essay requires quite a lot of research, but it's fun research! As a science student who took this as a breadth, I thought it was pretty cool!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

While the lectures were interesting and engaging, the tutorials were not and I felt like I didn't learn anything. Assessments are easy, however, so if you're looking for a subject with very minimal input or understanding, choose this one.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Kristian Camilleri as the lecturer is really passionate about his subjects and delivering the content fascinatingly. The most passionate lecture I have ever attend. It arouses my interest of the philosophy of science and I am so regret that I have missed some of his lecture. (The recording is amazing still but less powerful as the lecture is like a concert)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

With no background in history or philosophy, I found this subject to be one of the best subject choices of my degree. Lectures were well presented and entertaining and tutorials were engaging. The principal coordinator, Kristian Camilleri, was an absolute pleasure to have as both my lecturer and tutor. Assessments were fair and reasonable. Overall, one of the best level 1 arts subjects that made me laugh multiple times throughout the semester and left me in awe.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Very interesting content, reasonably easy assignments throughout the semester, but a difficult and heavily weighted essay instead of an exam

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015