For sale by Thomas for $120

Principles of Contract Law

Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke

For sale by Maya for $75


Jeannie Marie Paterson, Andrew Robertson, Arlen Duke

For sale by Vanessa for $30

H1 Obligations Notes (Designed for Exam)

Hi there! The notes consist of a concise and precise summary of all topics covered in Obligation...

22 pages, 6266 words

Obligations Detailed Hypothetical Notes

Structured to take you step-by-step through a hypothetical problem, with detailed references to case...

27 pages, 13757 words

LAWS50026 Obligations Exam Notes

Exam & Hypothetical Notes for Obligations. Outlines: - Relevant case notes & "rules" - Colour...

65 pages, 33756 words

Obligations Exam Notes 2021

A comprehensive and recent set of notes for the Unimelb subject Obligations LAWS50026. Concise enoug...

41 pages, 11842 words

Detailed Obligations Hypothetical Checklist

Structured to take you step-by-step through a hypothetical problem, with references to the cases whe...

5 pages, 1822 words

OBLIGATIONS exam note + checklist

checklist and exam note for all examinable materials. each topic is organized in hypo structure wi...

14 pages, 8214 words

Obligations Exam notes

Topics: acceptance, consideration, certainty, intention, formality, privity, misleading and deceptiv...

23 pages, 8371 words

H1 Comprehensive obligations Notes with Checklist for Exam

Include Alex's Class notes and self-summarised notes from all readings. Topics include: agreement...

47 pages, 13349 words


Complete Obligations content notes including shorter summaries for contract formation and misleading...

38 pages, 11501 words

H1 Obligations Checklist Notes for Exam

Clear checklist format for exams. There is a particularly good and thorough section on misleadin...

20 pages, 5700 words


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


$60 per hour

I finished my Bachelor of Arts degree in Politics and Sociology in July 2021 at the University of Me...
