For sale by Michael for $50

Understanding Jurisprudence

Denise Meyerson

For sale by Didi for $20

Understanding Jurisprudence

Denise Meyerson

For sale by Alana for $30

Legal Theory - readings notes and critiques - arguments for/against for essays

Articles Summarised: Meyerson - Understanding Jurisprudence Hart - Law as the Union of Primary and...

14 pages, 7151 words

Legal Theory H1 Notes

These notes go through each of the readings and provide summaries and analysis for each topic by rea...

27 pages, 13205 words

H1 Legal Theory Exam Notes and Essay Structures - Previous STS Tutor

Covers the key elements and comparisons of the overarching themes of the course. Includes reading su...

38 pages, 13200 words

High H1 (90) Legal Theory Notes (LAWS50031)

Achieved a 90 in Legal Theory (LAWS50031). I have an H1 average WAM and was STS tutor for multiple s...

56 pages, 17597 words

H1 Legal Theory Notes

Comprehensive H1 Legal Theory notes covering every topic. Please be aware that each teacher's st...

44 pages, 18875 words

Legal Theory Essay Note

I received a H1 for legal theory using this note.

92 pages, 35903 words

Legal Theory Readings Summaries - Semester 2, 2017

These are highly detailed summaries of every reading in Lee Godden's class, which I used to prepare...

83 pages, 45307 words

H1 Legal Theory exam preparation notes (LAWS50031)

Covers the key elements of the most prominent overarching themes of the course and includes reading...

23 pages, 18300 words


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


$25 per hour

Stressing about an upcoming assessment? Not to fear! Fi is here :) I have just submitted by PhD...


Fantastic subject. Gives a great introduction to the key controversies and players in jurisprudence. Of course, it is a compulsory subject, but one which you will enjoy if you approach issues from a theoretical perspective. Rote learners will hate it.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013