Trusts exam notes (H1)

These notes, which were used to secure an H1 exam grade, summarise the course content and case law c...

50 pages, 14267 words

H1 Equity and Trusts course guide and exam notes

Exam notes and a self-developed course guide for students of Equity and Trusts. You won’t even need...

99 pages, 50563 words

H1 Equity and Trusts Exam Notes (Detailed Hypo Notes)

These exam notes cover the following topics: -Fiduciary relationships; -Express trusts; -Resultin...

55 pages, 19780 words

LAWS50033 - Trusts Essay Notes (H1)

These notes contain essay notes for the trusts exam. You may also purchase my hypothetical notes sep...

25 pages, 13000 words

H1 Equity & Trusts FULL SEMESTER NOTES 2023

Notes including information from lecture material, case readings, and pinpoint citations. These are...

88 pages, 39330 words

H1 Equity & Trusts Exam Hypothetical Notes 2023 - University of Melbourne

These notes got me a H1 in Semester 2, 2023 for Equity & Trusts. These notes cover the entire course...

76 pages, 36712 words


Hypo notes for equity and trusts. Include all the topics EXCEPT for charitable trusts, which was not...

23 pages, 11810 words

H1 Equity & Trusts EXAM TEMPLATE 2023.

Step-by-step guide to answer the Equity & Trusts Exam. Includes headers, paragraphs that can be used...

20 pages, 8313 words

H1 LAWS50033 Equity and Trusts Notes (Sem 2 2022)

Comprehensive study companion notes that I made for the final exam. Covers all the cases that were r...

134 pages, 50423 words

H1 - LAWS50033: Equity and Trusts Full Notes

Notes to aid your understanding and enhance your knowledge. Pinpoint citations are included for bett...

44 pages, 17194 words


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