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Comprehensive H1 Life, Earth and Universe notes

Full notes from weeks 1 to 12 covering biology, geology, astronomy and practicals. Includes definiti...

32 pages, 12154 words


$25 per hour

Awesome tutor || Homework helper || Cramming expert || PhD scholarship holder ** Learning is a...


$80 per hour

🟠​Elevate your understanding with Nicolò's Math and Physics Tutoring🟠​ Hello there, Students! :...


The subject was very easy, hardly studied and didn't really care about this subject but still did very well. All the past exams were available online through the library and most of the questions in my exam was copied from exams before.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

This subject was split into three modules: biology, astronomy, and geology. I think this was the first time astronomy had been before geology, but I think the content flowed pretty well. The biology lecturer was interesting to listen to, and content wasn’t too bad especially if you have a biology background. The astronomy content was quite interesting and not too complicated with numbers or anything, and the lecturer made the lectures interactive which was quite fun. The geology lecturer was quite engaging as well, but the lecture slides comprised of mostly pictures made it difficult to know which parts of the content were relevant. The bio pracs were pretty much how you'd expect, with several activities per prac. The astronomy prac activities could be a bit of a pain, but they are interesting and if you do the notes beforehand with AI help you can finish faster and leave early. The geology pracs are quite fun and you can ask the tutors loads of questions and they'll help you. The exam however, was the worst exam I've ever done in my life - I had no clue how to do 90% of it and I exited the hall feeling sick. It was a load of 10-mark questions and questions asking us to draw diagrams. But I understand this is the first time an exam has been written for this class and I think they coordinators realised that it was a bit too difficult and I managed to pass the subject with some scaling. Overall I did really enjoy this subject and we had great teachers so I do encourage this as an elective - I just hope that they amend the exam in the future and make it more doable. Shoutout to our great teachers!!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

Assessments were harshly marked , 3 hrs of contact hrs for 11 weeks, not so fun but you can do well on assessments if you have keen interest on learning about the origin of life with different perspectives

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

I was not realising that I had to study about geology and astronomy in this subject so I was kind of stressed out when going through the these parts especially geology part since the notes given were disorganised. But the course book recommended did help me a lot. So much appreciated. Oh ya, I had enjoyed the poster assignment! It was fun!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Split into 3 modules: biology, geology and astronomy. I had no prior experience of geology or astronomy but the content wasn't too bad to get your head around. Biology lecturer was great, astronomy was fairly organised but some things were hard to understand. Geology was sooooo disorganised and unstructured - great guy, but he would keep going off on random tangents; Bio pracs were fun - very similar to the ones in BIOL10004, geology pracs were okay - the demonstrator was great and would really help to consolidate knowledge from lectures, astro pracs were so long and stressful and confusing but it helps to search stuff up before and try to answer questions so you have more time. A lot of contact hours, but overall I feel as though I have actually enjoyed it

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

Didn't expect it to work as well as it did, but all the content flowed really well. Lecturers were interesting and knowledgable - geology lectures were less structured but the most enjoyable. Light on assessment, and pracs were stressful at times but well-managed and tied in well.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018