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Language Arts Foundation Subject Notes

These notes assisted in achieving an H2A, almost H1 average. They are detailed and contain everythin...

32 pages, 12409 words


$80 per hour

provisional psychologist, former unimelb psych honours student, experienced and patient tutor and pr...


$70 per hour

I have previously worked at La Trobe, Swinburne and the University of Melbourne as a sessional tutor...


Interesting if you like linguistics. I found the lectures to be a bit all over the place and not very well structured. The lecture notes are also terrible so keep that in mind if you want to revise. However, the subject was not hard and the way they connect language to our construction of identity was very interesting. Overall, a good basic subject to take.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

I actually like it a lot. I haven't done any linguistics subjects before, but this subject introduced a lot of interesting theories to me. I'm most grateful for its introduction to social constructionism that covers both some gender theories and how they are linked to language. As an international student, it's a bit hard for me to keep up with all the readings, as most of them are critical theories that are kinda challenging for me to fully understand (I also have no philosophy background, would love to learn more about it tho). Tutorials are enjoyable, and my tutor Giuseppe is very kind and considerate. My former tutor Ricardo is also very kind. Lecturers are also very nice people. Some lectures might come out dry for some people.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

It's a good foundation subject. My field of interest is not particularly linguistics but I enjoyed some of the content taught. They touched on a lot of topics and lectures are sometimes dry. The assignments are straightforward, especially the first one, which provided a lot of opportunities to learn about referencing and academic readings. Tutorials are engaging and interesting, they definitely help understand the content better, plus allow you to engage in good discussions with your peers. I'd recommend this subject, and based on my observation, it's one of the best Arts Foundation subjects.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

Pretty good subject. Quite broad and touches on a lot of topics but well structured. Essay relatively straightforward and take home exam consisted of 2 mini essays that were quite easy. Recommend if you are interested in language, linguistics etc.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Interesting if you love both linguistics and language (societal impacts). The theories about languages and its relation to culture was interesting. Linguistics were hard to understand but manageable (I don't do any language/linguistic subjects). Covered a different theory every week... a bit hard to keep up with.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Overall the subject felt a bit broad and disconnected. Final assignment of two essays rather than one was a bit restrictive due to word count. Enjoyed the tutorials

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Super interesting! I'd never done linguistics before and I found most of the lectures really enjoyable. The tutes could sometimes be quite boring, but generally the discussion questions were pretty interesting. Can be tricky to do well in, but honestly worth it for the content

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

The tutorials were really interesting, but a lot of the lecture content made me realize that linguistics is actually really boring.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

relatively easy subjects but not fun for me. I am a bit regret as I was told reason is gonna be hard and this is much easier. I should choose the hard and interesting one. If you are interested with linguistics and how it relates to other subjects, It should be your perfect foundation subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Awesome! Covers so many interesting topics, plus you get to choose whichever topics interest you when doing the assignments. My favourite subject this sem. That said, I love languages so I might be biased by my area of interest.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018