Chinese Music Ensemble
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Become a tutor for MUSI20135Jasmine Qawiemah
$30 per hour
Hi! I’m Qawiemah, and I am currently a third-year psychology major in the Bachelor of Science. I hav...
I would recommend this subject to anyone who is looking to pick up a new instrument, wants to immerse themselves in Chinese music history or just a chill subject. The tutor teaching style you get in this subject might be a hit or miss depending on the instrument you choose, but all the teachers are definitely amazing and supportive. If you decide to do this subject, I would suggest arriving early to class because you'd get some time to get extra guidance from the tutors. I also recommend participating as much as possible to really bump up the participation mark. In terms of assignments, the practical exam was really chill so it was not too pressuring. The written assignments were not too bad but required some research and had a short word limit, making it slightly challenging to get in all that I wanted to say. Their written assignment description is very detailed so you'll pretty much have a template to write the essay. I wouldn't say that this is an easy H1 subject because i feel like there can be a lot of subjectivity/circumstance dependent in the marking criteria (e.g. participation mark, how nervous you are in the practical exam and how that affects your performance), but it's a great experience nonetheless!