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High H1 PATH30001 Notes (2023)- Detailed Pathogenesis of Each Disease

These notes provide all the necessary information needed to achieve a H1 in PATH30001. They contain...

26 pages, 9382 words

PATH30001 Comprehensive Notes (H1 2022)

Coloured, detailed notes that helped me achieve an H1 in this subject in 2022. Lecture 1: Cell I...

65 pages, 30226 words

Complete H1 (88) Summary Notes Mechanisms of Human Disease - PATH30001

Complete notes on PATH30001 with annotated lecture notes, and commonly examined concepts highlighted...

92 pages, 21933 words

PATH30001 Comprehensive H1 87 Notes

These notes comprehensively and concisely cover content from all 32 lectures in the 12 week course....

44 pages, 20742 words

H1 PATH30001 Complete Notes (all topics covered)

Contains the full set of up to date notes for PATH30001 with all necessary information needed to ace...

33 pages, 16583 words

PATH30001: Mechanisms of Human Disease Notes (H1: 83%) [Lecture Notes, Textbook, Further Readings & More]

Notes for PATH30001: Mechanisms of Human Disease at the University of Melbourne. I got a H1 (83%)...

615 pages, 50763 words

PATH30001 High H1 (90) - Mechanisms of Human Disease

This note includes 30 lectures spanning over 12 weeks of the semester: Lecture 1: Introduction and...

38 pages, 8549 words

PATH30001 Mechanisms of Human Disease Complete H1 Notes

These notes contain all topics covered in the lectures, written in dot-point form with accompanying...

58 pages, 18748 words

H1 Pathology: Mechanisms of Human Disease (Lectures 13-21)

High H1 notes. Detailed notes on all lectures in the second block of Mechanisms of disease. Lect...

83 pages, 20831 words

H1 Path: Mechanisms in Disease (first 12 lectures)

High H1 Notes - 88 Detailed notes on the first 12 lectures in Path Mechanisms of Disease. Over 70 p...

74 pages, 20585 words


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The long answer and short answer style of the exam doesn't work. The exam proved to be tedious and was far too long. It was more draining than anything and wasn't really a true test of skill. The content was presented very well and each lecturer was passionate about what they were presenting. The content was also very engaging and interesting. Would rate it higher if the exam had a similar structure to Path20001 where part is mcq and part b is short answer. The SAQ and LAQ is marked very harshly and you can lose marks for simple grammatical errors or by using words that aren't "up to level". They do however, teach you how to write essay style questions. Possibly the hardest exam I have done during my undergraduate degree and I was averaging a high H1 before the examination( I really enjoyed learning the content). Probably won't be taking another pathology subject again just because of the exam style.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

One of my favourite university subjects (and my highest score too)! The first few weeks can feel a bit random because you're learning about broad topics such as cell injury and inflammation. After that, you study about 30 diseases (usually one per lecture). I think this was a great sample of what a medicine degree would be like as we learnt the diagnosis, pathophysiology, treatment etc. for heaps of diseases such as ulcerative colitis, asthma and osteoporosis. Unlike other subjects that build upon the content of an overarching topic each lecture, with this subject the topic changes every lecture. For this reason, it can be difficult to learn all of the content (the second half is a bit easier as there are only two main topics; CNS and cancer). The end of semester exam requires a certain style of writing (including some long essay style questions) but don't stress too much because the lectures do a great job at preparing you for that! I didn't do PATH30002 and still really enjoyed this subject. As other people have said, this subject does take a bit to get used to, but it's so rewarding. If you know your stuff the assessment questions are very fair!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021

A subject that I loved by the end of semester. It takes some time to adjust to the pace of the subject as you switch gears each lecture to focus on a new disease/topic. The content is informally organised into modules like inflammation, cancer and genetics. Being aware of these topic areas will help you join the dots and learn the content, which is especially important for the end of semester exam. MSTs are pretty straight forward MCQs, but lull you into a false sense of security because the format is very different from the EOS exam. Most of the marks to pick up in the exam are from long answer questions (essays). My best bit of advice here is to start prepping for the exam early and get some practice in both PLANNING and WRITING long answer questions under timed conditions. The last time I had to write like this in an exam was 3 years ago in VCE English, and you can bet I was a bit rusty... so please take my advice and start preparing early for this one!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

As said by other reviewers, this subject is definitely content heavy and the way its presented with multiple lecturers for multiple diseases that seem to have no apparent connection can make the subject itself seem daunting to study for during exam time. The content however is fairly easy and doesn't require you to understand difficult concepts so if you revise ahead and keep on top of the lectures, the exams shouldn't be too hard. Also since the subject mainly requires a lot of memorisation, it's better if you think about the content more logically so its easier for the final exam where the big essays require you to pretty much regurgitate information and include diagrams to support your answers. Some of the diseases studied overlap with the diseases in PATH30002 so if you do that as part of the Pathology major, it makes the content a little more interesting than normal.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

I Loved this subject! Yes, the content was heavy and sometimes appeared disjointed, having many different lecturers was a bit hard but do not fear! It was so interesting! loved it

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

Lots of material, delivered at varying levels of quality as you have a lot of different lecturers. Overall the subject is interesting, you go into a number of diseases and their causes. Can get very dry, however, as most lecturers just talk at you off of sparsely-labelled slides. One of those deceptive subjects where you have a good understanding of the concepts, then you get into the MST and they want one tiny detail from the slides that the lecturer mentioned for 0.5 seconds, so if you are doing it make sure you get familiar with the details, especially for the diseases with 2-3 separate lectures dedicated to them. If you can get into PATH30002, it is a good complement to the lectures as it helps make the content a bit more real.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Content heavy Varied lecturer quality Easy to understand, but a lot of remember

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014