Human Physiology An Integrated Approach + Interactive Physiology 10

Dee Unglaub Silverthorn, Claire W. Garrison, Andrew C. Silverthorn

For sale by Shane for $80

PHYS20008 Human Physiology Semester 1 2016 lecture notes

Hot off the press!! These PHYS20008 notes are from Semester 1 2016 and comprehensively cover the con...

54 pages, 25112 words

PHYS20008: Human Physiology Notes (H1: 88%) [Lecture notes, Workshop notes, PRS question notes, Textbook notes, etc.]

PreMed: Check out my BCMB20002 and ANAT20006 notes. Included in these notes are: - Notes on Lect...

337 pages, 25994 words

PHYS20008 Human Physiology clear and organised notes (H1)

For Human Physiology, I wrote brief notes in class then cleaned them up and cross-checked with refer...

58 pages, 18176 words

PHYS20008 Semester 1, 2017 Study Guide

This guide is made to follow the lectures covered in Semester 1, 2017. A study guide derived fro...

54 pages, 14517 words

Human Physiology ALL Lectures (1-33)

Detailed description of ALL content within the subject Topics Include: Neural Integration w Muscle...

47 pages, 14792 words

Lecture 1-8 notes Charles Sevigny with Pictures

Very detailed notes from lectures 1-8 written word by word with pictures to accommodate appropriate...

58 pages, 20805 words

PHYS20006 Notes

Descriptive & condensed summaries of ALL lectures in the course. Having done this subject, I wou...

53 pages, 40384 words


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UniMelb MD1 | H1 Bachelor of Science (Psychology) UniMelb Grad I'm prepared to help you make the...


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find a good group to do the CAL's and exam with since open collaboration. Don't study for the exam - it's 3 days, so on first day you can see the questions and go over the relevant content, so 2 more days for actual answering. Use roslin! Very chill subject, guaranteed H1 lol

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

Engaging lecturer and essentially a guaranteed H1 if you stay on top of the lectures.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024

charles is the best lecturer and its very easy to do well as long as you put in a moderate amount of effort because everything is open book/open collab/untimed

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

Grade: 92 (H1). This subject is an easy H1 and wam booster with 67% of students receiving a H1 overall this semester (235 students). All the assessments are open book, open collaboration, and online which makes the subject less stressful as it is more focused on understanding and application rather than memorisation. The exam is only weighted 35% also. I strongly suggest having a group of friends you can do the CALs, MSTs, and Exam with if you want to do really well. This also helps with the BALR assignment which is a group project you do about a physiology concept that was taught. Charles is also an amazing lecturer and coordinator who knows how to teach and explain concepts well but makes the class extremely engaging with all his jokes and funny personality. You get a week to complete each CAL (10 total but only your best 9 count towards your final grade), a day to complete the MSTs (there are two of them, one in week 5 and one in week 10), and 3 days (72 hours) to complete the final exam. The group project is also due at the end of week 12 so you get plenty of time to get all the assessments done and discuss with others to put you in the best position to get a high mark. They were also marked very generously in my opinion. I would say that the marks you would lose would be silly and stupid mistakes or not hitting a key point/explaining it too well (also possibly contradicting yourself). In terms of class statistics for those who are curious and to give credibility of this subject being a WAM booster :) CALs Average (78%) MST 1 Average (74%) MST 2 Average (81%) Exam Average (83%) BALR Average (91%) Overall Grade Average: H1 (80%) with 67.1% of students receiving H1s (that's 235 students). Highest Mark: 97

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023

easyyyy h1, but stay on top of content for sure as its very easy to fall behind

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

charles is what you want and expect the best from a university professor/coordinator. he wants you to do WELL and he will give you all the resources and information you need to succeed in this subject, the rest is up to how you use them. you are able to collaborate for every single assignment, from the weekly quizzes to the final exam (might i add you get 72 hours to complete it!!!!). this is not to say that the content in this subject is easy--to be honest some things were difficult to wrap your head around, but if you stay up to date, engage with charles amazing lectures and look into other resources online (textbooks, youtube videos, the roslin modules) and to other peers i have no doubt that this subject will be an easier H1 compared to some other human science electives. the group project is so leniently marked as long as you show a strong interest and passion for what you are talking about. MAN I LOVED THIS SUBJECT SO MUCH <333

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

Charles has a genuine desire for students to do well, and wait for it... even *enjoy* the subject. This is what university should be like.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2022

CHARLES IS AMAZING, PERIOD. This subject is all open book, untimed, OPEN COLLABORATION for ALL assessments. Weekly MCQ quizzes (called CALs) are open for a week, fair and easy to score well in (I got 90-100% in most). MSTs (SAQ) are open for 24hrs, also very fair, and generously marked. Exam (SAQ) was open for 24hrs, and was a bit challenging as we got new situations which we've never seen before. But by applying our physiology knowledge, we were able to piece together the answers. It's also not weighted much (~35%) so if you've been doing well throughout the semester, you can basically guess the exam and still get an H1! The group assignment was new this semester, and was very easy to do well in (my group got a 100%). We got to pick ANY hard physiology concept and explain it. This semester 48% of the cohort got H1s!!!!!! This subject is amazing, Charles is amazing, and the cohort is amazing. Highly recommend turning up to the live lectures (on Zoom if Charles is still overseas) and participating/trolling Charles. 100% do it if you love biology. Caveat: this subject is not necessarily easy (I estimated putting in ~220 hrs as opposed to the standard 170 hours per subject), but if you do the work (pre-readings, Roslin modules, studying for CALs/MSTs/Exam), it is extremely rewarding. Another consideration is that sometimes there is inconsistency between the workshops and lectures (go by the lectures!). Overall, best subject I've ever done: the only subject where I felt SAD when lectures ended!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

This is by far the best subject I've ever taken at unimelb. The lectures were well taught, Charles is a great lecturer, super interesting. The exam was open for 24 hours and students were encouraged to collaborate with each other. Assignments were fairly marked. Highly recommended!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

absolutely loved this subject! Charles was super engaging and content was interesting, i loved turning up to these live just to be able to actively engage. Assessments were run great and flexible and fairly marked. If you're thinking of doing this i say definitely go for it - i recommend this subject to everyone!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022