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So interesting - such a huge range of topics covered across lectures, tutes, readings and assignments. I really enjoyed working on the assignments because with all the different options you can choose something that really gets you thinking and keeps you interested. After doing politics of sex last year I was worried about how I would go in terms of marks, but I managed a high H1 in both essays! Definitely would recommend utilising 'office hours' to meet with your tutor and run through an overview of what you're thinking for your essays so you can get some feedback and make improvements to your approach before needing to submit. You can be really creative in the assignments, and it definitely helps to really narrow in on a topic within your topic - finding a niche lets you delve into it and get that depth of analysis that you need to get the high marks in this subject.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

Interesting subject, I learned a lot. However, like with all politics subjects it is very difficult to score above H2A. There are two assignments and a very rigid essay template that must be used which kind of threw me off as the argument->counterargument structure just gets annoying and counterintuitive for me. Gemma is an ok tutor.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

very interesting and engaging. Bit different than politics of sex so if you've come from that class, you will like this one too but just be aware of the global scope when writing essays. Would def rec!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023

I really loved this subject. Both the readings and tutorials were engaging, and the assessments weren't too stressful. Keep up with the readings and think actively about the course material as you move through the semester and you will do great! Lauren also links us to heaps of media relevant to each week which is great for grounding theory and getting ideas for essays flowing.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

LOVE LOVE LOVE this subject!!! perfect amount of reading per week, super engaging lecturer and content and it's not hard to score well if you just pay attention in the lecture as lauren does an awesome job at making it easy for everyone tog et

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017