Design And Property Industry Studies
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🌎ONLINE TUTORING AVAILABLE VIA ZOOM🌎 Based in Melbourne $40 (one-on-one sessions) $30 (per p...
Bro the guy that rated this a 4 was crazy. This subject is a prerequisite to two property capstone subjects and took an intense focus on construction and involved drawing many construction details for your proposed developments in your assignments. First time I'd heard a lecturer recommend withdrawals before census to the class. William Orr has got to be one of the most apathetic, laid-back, yet obtusely rigid lecturers and tutors I've had to deal with. He rather arbitrarily assigns guest lectures as mandatory for attendance despite not following the handbook and admitted the level of attention required for this subject well exceeded the norm. The basic weekly structure involved an in person 1 hour lecture (supposed to be 2 but it's cut in favour of additional online lectures), arbitrarily long online lecture videos (could be an extra hour or 3), and a two hour tutorial plus readings and weekly quiz. The workload for this subject was insane and the sore fact that tutorial's weren't recorded despite new material being covered in each one was insane. For reference, I got an H1 for PROP20001 and for PROP20002 and barely scraped into an H3 for this subject. I'd recommend an immense amount of effort and attention toward this subject just to stay afloat and would recommend vigilance when looking at potential group members for the final assignment. Weekly quizzes are easy to forget about so be aware of those. First assignment involves looking at a residential site and developing a proposal for it, showing construction details, site and development details, cost and sales projections, and relevant suburb details for the client. Second is a group assignment that involves a high rise development in South Melbourne divided into four by property titles and includes commercial and residential uses that must be included and involves much of the same assignment details as assignment 1 but in greater detail. I've got a friend in an unrelated major to this subject that chose to do this and sorely regretted it so I'd avoid this subject if you fit into such category; otherwise, I wish you luck in surviving it if you're a fellow property major.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024
Really fun subject if you like construction. There is a lot of reading you'll have to do especially if you don't have any previous knowledge of construction. I would recommend attending all tutorials and keeping up to date with the work as it is really easy to fall behind. Assignments are really time-consuming, My final assignment was 50+ pages. No exam is a big win. Also, quizzes are pretty easy if you understand the lectures. The only reason it's a 4 star for this semester is due to the quiz not being according to the plan given at the start of the semester. Don't do this subject if you don't like the construction/ property industry.