Media and Everyday Life

Tim Markham

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Detailed ARTS1090 Course Notes: Media, Culture and Everyday Life.

These are comprehensive, current notes which have collated the following: - Key information from l...

27 pages, 10251 words

ARTS1090 course summary notes

A clear and succinct summary of all the ARTS1090 topics that may be used for FAST revision! Speci...

3 pages, 1397 words


Complete and comprehensive notes covering all topics in the ARTS1090 Course - Everything summarised...

20 pages, 9507 words


What's in these notes - Lecture notes - Tutorial notes (if any) - Notes from ALL readings (mandat...

108 pages, 23000 words

Comprehensive Notes for ARTS1090 Media, Culture and Everyday Life

Comprehensive ARTS1090 notes with clear chapter-by-chapter layout. Each chapter includes summari...

45 pages, 8892 words

Arts1090 Notes

These notes are very detailed and comprise of information for the slides, lecture, course reader and...

30 pages, 8099 words


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really boring,tutor gives really low score.

Anonymous, Term 1, 2023

I agree with sarah!!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

I don't like it :( have to read the same sentence 10 times to understand :(( readings are not fun :(( lecturer speaks too slow :( stay at home :(

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Honestly this course was okay. However, I found the concepts (which were very abstract) quite tedious to study, and my tutor wasn’t really that helpful. The feedback I got on assessments was really poor and didn’t really help me improve. I thought the lecturer was really good & the lectures were really easy to follow. You might find the course a bit frustrating as it goes on, but it’s easy to do reasonably well if you go to the lectures & try to connect with the material.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

I felt this course content was boring and hard to understand. Extensive readings weekly, and just overall underwhelming.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

This course was fairly interesting although not as much as I had thought it would be when I picked it as an elective. The multiple choice final was a bit odd – I have never heard of theoretical arts subjects having final exams? Sometimes the reading load could be quite high. This course was the first time I had encountered a tangible level of cultural marxism at this university through an actual course – globalisation, globalism, erasure of historical identities, race, gender, etc. are all presented as unequivocally positive changes which media facilitates in the modern world in the readings and lectures. This one-sided view struck me as poor academic practice generally not characteristic of this university. Other than that the course was a let-down because it didn’t examine the ways in which media can be used as brainwashing/propaganda which is what I had hoped to be learning about – it took the view that media is neutral and users define its meaning which I thought was quite an odd and abstract way to introduce media studies to first years. The assignments are the usual first year academic skills melded with course content sort of approach which was boring for a higher year person taking this as an elective. The instructions and feedback on these assignments was fairly poor. Overall I didn’t enjoy this course as much as I had hoped to, but it wasn’t too bad in the end.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

I can’t believe this is a course on offer, I have wasted my money and time on it. Absolutely not vocational and useless for the rest of my course. Assignment instructions are unclear and so is the marking making it impossible to improve or understand your short comings. Very disappointed.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Though it can be dry at times, here's a tip - actually attend/listen to your lectures, read your readings and participate in tutorial discussions. The lecturer really does try to make all the abstract theory interesting by using many practical examples and engaging with students, so it would be in your best interests to get actively involved with the content. From what I can see, the course syllabus has changed from previous years. It may change again in the future but for 2017, you really had to know your referencing because there were a few written tasks including an annotated bibliography, essay and critical reflection. Look carefully at the course outline and pay attention to everything to prepare for the final multiple choice test. Good luck!

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

It's absolute crap that this is a CORE unit for any Media student; garbage content with no two-sided arguments and all based on stupid theories that have no relevancy to the media industry other than its history. It's also ridiculous this has an exam, the content isn't worthy of an exam!! My tutor was the only reason I didn't give it a 1 star.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

This course is awful as a core for media students. The assignments definitely need an update particularly the blog which is pretty much touch and go because you get no feedback or tips on how to write it. Just in general I found the subjects discussed a little useless and it's difficult to know how to go about writing them

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016