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$39 per hour

I am an experienced IELTS, PTE,, Academic Writing and English tutor. I am a PhD student at UNSW and...


It was a really interesting subject (mostly due to the lecturer - Paul Dawson) because the lectures were engaging and somewhat surprisingly informative. The weekly readings are also diverse and great examples of the lecture material of the week. You are expected to present a draft manuscript of a story in tutorials and it will be openly comments on by classmates. If you can't handle criticism or the thought of presenting a story to a class full of strangers is particularly daunting, then you might want to reconsider (thought honestly, it's not necessary - no one is purposefully trying to tear you down and they're all nice) The reason for the relatively low rating is not by any fault of the course or lecturer but rather because it was the lowest mark in my entire time at uni. After speaking to some friends who also got fairly low marks in this subject, I think that this is just one of those courses where it is exceedingly hard to get a decent mark. The subject is a lot of fun though and if you're great at creative writing, go for it! Just don't expect it to be a WAM booster!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2013