HD Result ALL TOPICS INFS1602 Notes + Practice Q's + Tutorial Answers

My notes for INFS1602 including: - Summarised notes - Practice exam questions which are very simil...

68 pages, 15705 words

INFS1602 Comprehensive DISTINCTION Final Exam Notes

These Distinction notes provide a detailed overview of the entire terms course content. By reading a...

48 pages, 14372 words

HD INFS1602 Notes

1. Information Systems and IS Professionals in Global Business 2. Information Systems, Organisatio...

47 pages, 17020 words

INFS1602 Notes

Includes: - notes for key topics/terms - chapter notes

32 pages, 11084 words

INFS1602 Full Notes + Revision Sheet

- all chapters covered from weeks 1-12, including chapter extensions - revision sheet with importan...

65 pages, 13992 words

INFS1602 Final Notes

Short and concise notes with bullet point listing and examples highlighted in red so they are not fo...

30 pages, 7896 words

INFS1602 Textbook Notes Refined - Distinction

Refined Distinction level textbook notes for INFS1602. These notes have been condensed to include al...

37 pages, 8860 words

INFS1602 Final Notes

These notes were created during Semester 1, 2016 based off the third edition of the textbook. The no...

50 pages, 21960 words

INFS1602 Textbook Notes - Distinction

full distinction level notes for Information Systems in Business

52 pages, 13623 words


$40 per hour

Hi my name is Anthony! I am currently a fifth year student studying a Bachelor of Civil Engineeri...


Avoid this subject if not compulsory Lecturers great but content is useless and very much generic googlable knowledge All theory not practical skills gained Not to mention extremely harsh marking and mandatory presentation per tutorial Don’t do it if you have a choice

Anonymous, Term 3, 2022

This course is unreasonable useless. It wants us students to gain a tons of knowledge and skills, it wants us to remember every detailed principles in the textbook without any practices, it wants us to do presentations, to debate... Why don't you just change the course duration from one term to three years then we can master everything about IS??? This course wants us to know everything but the result turned to be that we just can't understand anything!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018

Terrible course. Really didn't like it. The lecturer didn't put enough effort into the course I thought, but I have heard he is leaving now. The quizzes and assignments were terrible, there are no practice questions and the final exam came out of no where. Alot of the course is group work as well. Unless a lot of the course has changed, I would not recommend you do it. This course put me off Information Systems.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018

Disliked the impromptu presentation every tutorial, felt like it didn’t help with our learning. Group project was quite difficult, but finals was quite easy if you know your content well! Con for finals is that there is negative marking for MCQ, but it wasn’t too hard.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Chona was an excellent lecturer - she has a great amount of experience and supplements some of her points with examples of her own experience. Let her Filipino accent slide; everyone has an accent so don't be so uptight. Her lecture slides cover the basics of the course textbook, but self-study with the textbook is definitely required to pass the course. Tutorials were engaging and fun as well. As the groupwork component constitutes 1/4 of the total marks, it's crucial to get a good group.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Tutorials were pretty engaging. Lectures were boring, pretty much skipped them all. They're not necessary at all. Get a good group ASAP, makes your life so much easier.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Chona Ryan is probably one of the worst lecturers I have ever had and is very likely to become the worst lecturer of the entire UNSW. It is so easy to fall asleep in her one hour lecturer. Hard to understand her English too coz she has a heavy Philippino accent. Overall a waste of time to go to her lectures. Assignment was marked subjectively. If you want to get a good mark, a good group is the key to the success.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

The lecturer Chona, is probably one of the most boring-est lecturers I have ever had. She barely relates any of the information in the textbook to her lecture slides. Plus the lecture slides are only uploaded the night before the lecture which is very inconvenient because I like to download all my lecture slides at the beginning of the week. Also make sure you don't have a shitty group going into this because the group project is semester long, so if you have a crappy group you will not want to live

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016