Managing Organisational Behaviour
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View all MGMT1002 notesMGMT1002 Notes - DIstinction
Topics: 1. Introduction to Organisational Behaviour 2. Personality and Individual Differences 3....
60 pages, 16330 words
MGMT1002 Comprehensive Notes! Easy DN!!
ALL LECTURE WEEKS COVERED FINAL EXAM NOTES Personality Attitudes Motivation Leadership Job...
38 pages, 7069 words
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$48 per hour
Experienced tutor with both domestic and international students, fluent in English and Mandarin. Cur...
$15 per hour
Test Prep | Notes Preparation | Essay Planning I graduated from University of Sydney, where I ear...
really lazy lecturer. no live lecture, just countless youtube videos
Anonymous, Term 1, 2020
- had really nice tutor with moderate-harsh marking - got a bit hard to get over the C/D range - lots of material to read and notes up on - if you genuinely find your passion for this subject, get creative, be active with CP, and build rapport with a few students and tutor, you should be fine.
Anonymous, Term 3, 2020
As a level 1 course, expectations and assessment are very harsh. Markers held report/essays to a high standard. This unit felt on par with most challenging level 3 courses.
Anonymous, Term 3, 2019
Appalling subject. Supposed to be a fairly easy subject. Harsh harsh UNFAIR marking. Lecturer is not clear in her own notes.