- Wollongong
- Subjects
- Business
- 1,283 UOW Business textbooks
- 86 UOW Business tutors
- 426 UOW Business ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Business subjects at Wollongong...
Being statistics, maths is an important part of this subject, so good mathematical skills will go a...
8 years ago
This subject has been structured quite well, introducing the basic concepts of accounting at the sta...
8 years ago
If you did an economics subject in high school, you would have probably covered a good chunk of this...
8 years ago
Love Greg's commitment to his tourism marketing students. A very straight forward subject with clear...
9 years ago
Brilliant subject! It took 3 years of learning the ins and outs of product and services marketing to...
9 years ago
Led by the king of Sparta himself, Elias give it to you straight. You are either up for the challeng...
9 years ago
The content was a bit dry but still an okay subject
9 years ago
Go to PASS for this subject, it helped me so much as I ended up with a HD
9 years ago
hard subject, tutor not very helpful
9 years ago
All assignments are easy except final exam
9 years ago
Can be confused among hypothesis tests but as long as you can see the differences and similarities,...
9 years ago
Excellent subject to build your understanding of the vast world of economics. Concise topics to be d...
9 years ago
It's great for conceptual understanding of the accounting procedures and various methods involved in...
9 years ago
Awesome subject and easy assessments
9 years ago
If its not core subject for you dont do it
9 years ago
This subject is based around moral issues and using the content you learn in lectures to then form o...
9 years ago
Good Foundation subject ended up enjoying it so much that I'm now thinking of majoring in Marketing!
9 years ago
This is an interesting course and definitely one where lecture attendance is important to passing th...
9 years ago
Great subject, and very interesting, only con is that it has no set textbook, just a lot of articles...
9 years ago
Loved this subject. Very interesting and easy to wrap your head around as a result. Great subject to...
9 years ago
Good subject. Covers useful aspects of Marketing and the assignment is excellent wherein you develop...
9 years ago
Depends on your teacher. He might be a pain in the butt, but subject itself is good and useful.
9 years ago
Worst subject ever. I'd be surprised if I pass the final exam. Final exam complex and nothing like...
9 years ago
A very boring subject with little help or guidance from tutors or lecturers.
9 years ago
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