Intercultural Communication

James W. Neuliep

For sale by Lily for $85

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When studying Comu1002 you will find the content is very engaging and interesting, and that the tutors and lecturer are very dedicated and passionate about teaching the course. They provide lots of outside class help for students who ask. However the assessment when i went through was quite frustrating in how unspecific and unclear it was about what was expected. The course has also changed a lot in the past few years so and become at lot more indepth but also expects a lot more these days. Overall the course is a great way to begin studying intercultural communication and if you are studying it, take advantage of the tutor or lectures time they put aside to help students as they will provide invaluable assistance in getting the best mark possible in your assignments

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019

I liked COMU1002. It was really easy and most of it was common sense. An easy pass

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

I thought that this subject was quite a good stater course on intercultural communication and gave me the basic knowledge necessary to conduct further research about cultures of interest, allowing me to fit in practically anywhere. It can be a little boring some weeks but if you apply yourself even slightly it is an easy 6.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

I feel as if this subject could have been incredibly interesting and engaging. However, with a boring lecturer and an unsuitable tutor it became my least favourite subject of the semester.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

An interesting subject that looks at the different aspects that make up a culture. Very easy as most of the assessment requires you to look at your own experiences. My tip is for the drop project: make it fun and interesting and you'll do fine.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014