Computer Systems Principles and Programming
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Hello! I am an Electrical and Computer Engineer who graduated in 2021 and achieved a 6.5 GPA. I a...
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System.out.println("I love Java"); Computer Science & Psychology graduate passionate about techno...
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I have a Bachelor of Computer Science with High Distinction at the University of New South Wales and...
Its challenging course, i did it when i were a freshman and it was hard for me thosse days but as a more expetienced person it becomes easier
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2021
Probably the most transformative programming course at UQ. Equips you with the skills to build programs from scratch. Can be very challenging at times but extremely relevant content to any software engineering student.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2018
Challenging course because of the requirements of the assessments. However, what makes this course challenging is it covers many aspects of computer systems from memory to file systems. It is based on C programming and lecturer assumes you have at least basic C knowledge. I suggest first learning novice C programming thru 2010 or similar courses or even online courses then starting 2310.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016
Very challenging course, but rewarding if you can really get down to understanding the fundamentals.