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$28 per hour

I'm a PhD candidate who loves to tutor and help my students ACE their assessments! Message me today...


$60 per hour

I am a registered nurse of over eight years and am completing a Masters in Nurse Practitioner specia...


Probably the worst course I have ever taken. No lectures to explain or iterate content for those unable to always attend the tutorials. None of the assessments were clear in their expectations, and critical information was shared only verbally inside tutorial classes. The reflection assessment was marked harshly especially for how small the word count is, but then the course coordinator put out an announcement after grading that many students were caught plagiarising and such, and that they are being warned not to do it again but are not penalised this time. In other words, a double standard. All of the assessment has eggregiously large expectations on what you are meant to cover, but absolutely none of the time or word count to properly fulfill the task. 300 words to write a three part reflection on how an entire culture is impacted across three categories within the given healthcare system with scientific references is insane. The Rubricks for the assessments were also poorly designed with criteria that either overlapped with other criteria (recommended against in UQ's own guidelines for Rubrick design), or they were worded poorly and never properly explained. ALL the rubricks had different weight distribution for the levels of competency as well. One used 10, 8, 6, 5, 3, 0. Another used, 10, 8, 6, 5, 0-4. And yet another used, 5, 3, 2.5, 1, 0. There would also constantly be situations where information had to be corrected, or information was only in one spot but not others, or details or dates were changed due to problems arising. As for the content itself, it could have been covered in the span of 2-3 weeks. Even the interprofessional aspect, since the whole group assessment part was 3 weeks long in total with only one tutorial a week anyway. I have done enough courses to understand what a good and bad course design looks like, and this is by FAR the worst I have seen. I cannot express how poorly structured, unorganised, uninsightful and frustrating this course is. The only positive is that it is an easy course to pass.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2024

the only good thing about the course is that it only takes 2 hours out of your week. It was useless, tedious, and just plain awful.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

horrible course with no sense of direction, redundant and different tutor has diferent expectation so while your friends gets 7 for an essay (horribly done), you get a 5 (a good one)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017