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The course is split quite jarringly into Structures and Materials, and while neither of the two areas of study are bad alone, it can feel like 2 courses combined at some points. The lectures are all on EdX modules in video format, allowing you to go ahead if you wish which is great. The contact sessions, while sometimes seeming like a pseudo lecture/tutorial in one are very helpful and often have very similar questions to the exams (on purpose). Tutorials are half of the time of the contact session and often you aren't expected to get through all of the questions, however it is a great space for personal questions. Overall a good course but can seem disconnected.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022

The structures part of this course is not too hard, once you have practiced it a bit. The materials is a bit of an information overload, but if you put in the effort with the integrated assignment, it all makes a lot more sense. Keep up to date with the online lectures, because it's hard to catch up on, and they take usually 2-3hrs a week (sometimes more). If you have a borderline grade, make sure to go to the final exam viewing session, as people I know were marked incorrect for a few correct answers.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019