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MGTS1601 Course Summary Notes

The notes cover all the core concepts necessary for the final exam. All lectures are summarised in d...

44 pages, 11237 words

MGTS1601 Final Exam Notes - Fully comprehensive

Everything you need to study to get a 7! Some EXAM HINTS are listed at the end of the notes (VERY US...

27 pages, 8917 words

Entire Course Notes

Extremely comprehensive. Covers and summarizes all content for MGTS1601. Sample only shows topic one...

23 pages, 8025 words


$40 per hour

Hello!! I am Brinda, a Business Management graduate currently working as a marketer. I majored in Ma...


$55 per hour

Experienced Business & Technology Tutor - Helping You Succeed! Hi! My name is Damien, and I have...


The course was generally interesting however quite tiring and time-demanding. Assignments will require a lot of self-reflection and self-evaluation, workplace behaviour and mentalities.etc, so if you are interested in psychological concepts like that, this could be an easy course for you.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2020

Easy and interesting course, just make sure you have like minded people to you in your group assignments.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2019

Extremely content heavy BUT very interesting content. I have even found myself using the theories in daily life and teaching my friends. But that being said, a lot of definitions and exact theory is needed for pop quizzes and the EOS exam so definitely keep on top of weekly content and textbook readings. The assignment is not course content, more so extra research content. I personally did well with the course's content but still did badly on the essay, so don't feel like if you just listen to lectures the assignment will be ok. Regardless, follow the rubric from the start and you should be good !

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Really interesting content. By simply attending or listening to the lecture a pass is easily obtainable. About 50% of the questions in the final exam are the same as past papers that you can access through the library

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Really interesting content and great lectures. Attending lectures and tutes is a must. Make sure you stay on top of everything and do put in some effort and you'll do just fine but isn't a super breezy subject.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

This course is designed for students to hone their independent learning skills. The main success to achieving a high grade is directly attributed by reading the textbooks and summarising key ideas/points for each chapter. The assignments were relatively manageable if students begin their task on time and of course, earlier. I am available for tutoring and further clarification of the course topics. All the best!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

This subject is relatively easy if you do the textbook reading. What was taught in the lectures is what was in the final exam. Its easy to just skip lectures but the lecturers know that and will only release the lecture recordings at the end of the semester.. Sneaky. The assignment was straightforward with need for a large number of references if you wanted a good mark. Good Luck to all future MGTS1601 students

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014