Hey, I'm Kristine from Penrith (Kingswood) at WSU!
I was last active on StudentVIP 3 months ago.
Member since: Aug 8, 2012
Kristine's Textbooks
- Raising Writers: Understanding and Nurturing Young Children's Writing Development
- Becoming a Teacher
- Literacies
- Literacies in Childhood 2nd edition
- Multimodal Literacy
- Reading in the Primary School Years
- Quality Teaching for Quality Learning : Planning Through Reflection
- Digital Literacies
- Education of the gifted and talented
- Young Children's Behaviour: Practical Approaches for Caregivers and Teachers 3rd edition
- Student Behaviour Theory and practice for teachers
- Community Development
- Interrogating Common Sense
- Social Contexts Pearson Original
- Classroom Discipline and Management Second Australasian Edition
- Classroom Management
- Mathematics Explained for Primary Teachers 3ed
- Action Research
- Mathematics for Children
- Studies of Society and Environment
- Classroom Assessment: Principles and Practice for Effective Standards-Based Instruction Pearson International Edition
- Education, Change and Society
- Teaching Studies of Society and Environment in the Primary School
- Literacy for 21st Century
- Maximising Learning Outcomes in Diverse Classrooms
- Educational Psychology
- Child development and education
- Child development and education
- From Lullabies to Literature
- Teaching Primary Science Constructively
- Teaching History, Geography and SOSE in the Primary School
- Curriculum and Assessment
- Literacy
- Curriculum Construction
- Becoming A Teacher: Knowledge, Skills and Issues
- Education for Inclusion and Diversity
- Teaching Primary Science Constructively
- Mathematics for Children
- Teaching
- Inclusion in Action with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Teaching
- Teaching Primary Science Constructively with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Developing Early Literacy
- Literacy
- Action Research: A Guide for the Teacher Researcher Pie
- Action Research In Education
- Literacies and Learners
- Helping Children Learn Mathematics 9E
- CP0620 Introduction to Teaching