Hey, I'm Deanne from Bentley at Curtin Uni.! My studies are in Education and Science.
I was last active on StudentVIP 2 months ago.

Member since: Feb 2, 2014
Deanne's Textbooks
- Valuing Language 131 Print + E-book
- Sociologic
- Social Work
- Australia's Welfare Wars
- An Introduction to Group Work Practice
- Families, Relationships and Intimate Life
- Psychology : The Science of Mind and Behaviour
- The Road to Social Work and Human Service Practice with Student Resource Access 12 Months
- Collins Dictionary of Sociology
- Making the Most of Field Placement
- Research for Social Workers An introduction to methods
- The Organisational Context of Human Service Practice
- Developing Communities for the Future
- Think Sociology
- Social Care Practice in Rural Communities
- Fundamentals of Case Management Practice : Skills for the Human Services
- Australian Sociology
- Nobody Told Me!