Information Systems Concepts
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Sell your textbook for CIS1000CP1155 - USQ Microsoft Office 2016 Illustrated
David Beskeen, Lisa Friedrichsen, Lynn Wermers, Elizabeth E. Reding
For sale by Elmarie for $50
CP1155 - USQ Microsoft Office 2016 Illustrated
David Beskeen, Lisa Friedrichsen, Lynn Wermers, Elizabeth E. Reding
For sale by Jekabs for $90
Business-driven Information Systems
Paige Baltzan, Kathy Lynch, Julie Fisher
For sale by Jekabs for $90
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Useless subject but USQ still deems it a core subject. You are taught how to do Excel and Access but everyone uses SQL or MYOB now. Ethics were covered. The questions in the text were supposed to be in the exam but they were not. The lecturer was approachable and reviewed my assessments after I complained. The textbook, MS for USQ is useless.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2018
Informative and at times, interesting content. Too much of it though.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
Informative and useful class. Hard to do without the textbook.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014
Loved this course. It was right up my ally. When I studied this course there was a fair bit to do with creating a website using html coding, so if you don't know how to do it (like me), expect to need to utilise extra reading and practice to get it right, especially as one of the bigger assignments was to do with html coding. The teacher at the time Rohan was awesome and very very approachable and helpful.