Introduction To Programming
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View all INFO1110 notesINFO1110 Introduction to Programming Course Notes (HD)
- Notes taken from lectures and tutorials in weeks 1ā13 of Semester 1 2024 - Contains definitions a...
56 pages, 10956 words
INFO1110 Notes from Lectures & Tutorials
- Notes taken from lectures and tutorials in weeks 1ā13 of Semester 1 2018 - Contains definitions a...
63 pages, 9447 words
INFO1110 Complete Course Notes (High Distinction)
Complete course notes for INFO1110: Introduction to Programming. All code examples in Python with ex...
45 pages, 8209 words
HD INFO1110 Final Revision Notes
This is a comprehensive summary of this unit made by a private tutor for programming. I have done th...
17 pages, 3402 words
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Rate: $35/hr. First hour free for non-assignment work. Iām a former software engineer now living...
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Hi there, I'm Brendon - Graduated from USYD with First Class Honours with a Distinction WAM - Ca...
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I am currently doing Bachelor of Advanced Computing at USYD, majoring in Computer Science and Financ...
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Hey there - you can call me YC for short! I am a current 2nd year Bachelor of Advanced Computing...
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|| USYD Student (Dalyell stream), 82 WAM | 97.55 ATAR || Hi, I'm Nemo! I am a Student at The U...
This was a pretty solid unit in terms of the course content, I felt like I gained a lot from this course. It was a decently challenging unit and would be slightly difficult for those who do not have much prior coding experience.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
Assignments are too long and requires a level of programming ability NOT humanly possible for a beginner programmer to attain within a single semester.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2024
Great unit to develop a solid foundational knowledge of programming.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
ok this unit is notoriously hard for complete beginners who it claims to cater for. knowing this and having absolutely no background in coding, i prepared for it well before the semester started and it really paid off. i took the Harvard CS50 course which is in C so not very relevant to this unit but it covers the fundamental concepts very well, and then I did the beginner python course on Codecademy, which took me 1.5 months to finish. after this, the first 5 weeks of the unit was a breeze for me so it goes to prove that even if you know nothing about coding, you can still do well in this unit with good prep. i would have struggled a lot more if i hadn't prepared for it but if it's too late for you, try to get as much practice as possible with the lab and practice questions on ed. it will take a while to figure out but once you've figured it out for yourself, you'll understand it a lot better. they had a major change in assessment when i did this course, most likely to lower the fail rates so if you've put in the work, you won't fail. the assignment is challenging, start as early as you can. set your own deadlines for when you want to finish the different parts of the assignment. i passed all the test cases well before the deadline and that took so much pressure off of me. overall a challenging unit, but very rewarding if you've put in hard work. the teaching team is the most responsive and supportive you'll find at USYD so make good use of Ed and ask away.
Anonymous, Semester 2, 2023
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
The assignments absolutely killed meeeeeeeeeee ;-;
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2023
Terribly run, was told by tutors that the assignments/exams are designed to have high fail rates. Not suitable for beginners at all
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2022
This course is not meant for beginners. The assignments are way too hard for someone who just started learning programming to finish in two weeks. Even though I tried asking for help on the assignments, they specifically told us that they will not be providing any assistance. For reference, I have never done anything programming or computing related in my life and my friends in the same course who have had lots of previous experience were struggling as well. I see that some people who are also like me who never did programming before learnt alot so maybe its good if you still can't figure out if you want to pursue programming or not. Try this course, if you survive/enjoy you're meant to be doing it if you cry every night and hate it and think its too hard, drop it.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2021
Great introductory unit to learn about programming.
Anonymous, Semester 1, 2019
For reference, I did this unit having never programmed before. It was an amazing unit, super challenging but I learnt heaps. The lectures weren't that well explained. John was confusing at times. That said, he was very well organised and efficient about moving the unit online. Viktor Kuo is an absolute legend and went above and beyond in explaining everything perfectly. Made a great assignment, and super insightful pre-work videos. Highly recommend this unit if you're prepared to put in the work. People complain because you've gotta work super hard.