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$35 per hour

Rate: $35/hr. First hour free for non-assignment work. I’m a former software engineer now living...


$200 per hour

*** AVAILABLE FOR ONLINE TUTORING *** I have SIX years of experience tutoring University and High...


$85 per hour

Do you have to take a course in maths/physics, but you feel you're just not "cut out for it"? The...


$80 per hour

Hi! I recently completed my masters and PhD. I help with exams, assignments, assessments, projects a...


If you lack any mathematical abilities whatsoever, this unit can be soul-crushing, even with hours of daily study for months. Collin is a fantastic tutor and lecturer, though, and always willing to help anyone that has any issues! If you need any help, definitely head to the MLC (Collin also tutors there so can help outside of lecturer/tutorial hours!)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

its pretty difficult

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Insanely difficult and confusing if you don't know the tricks. Once someone explains it, however, you see just how basic the maths is here. It can be very hard to get your head around things, but once you do, they all fall into place pretty well.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2014

This is such an amazing subject in which students could really feel th application of math in solving problems around the world. The lecturers are all amazing and overall it is not a very difficult subject. The final exam though is a killer and require more than the lecture content.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This was a pretty difficult subject

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Maths Modelling was such a fascinating subject. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The tutorial questions were fun and challenging. The best thing about Maths Modelling was the textbook - its clear and concise layout got me excited from day 1. The worst thing about Maths Modelling was jus that the tutorial work is a bit much to do in 1 hr, 1.5hrs would be better to really get a good grip on the material.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Definitely worth studying. I gained many mathematical skills in this particular unit of study. Lecturers were amazing and were always willing to help. The subject is challenging and will help you become much more skilful in Maths.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Good resources but found the online quizzes annoying

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015