Introduction to Molecular Biology

For sale by Stanton for $60

Introduction to Molecular Biology

For sale by Natasha for $70

MBLG1001/1901 UoS Notes

This is my lecture summary notes for MBLG1001/1901: - Cover the first 15 lectures in details - C...

46 pages, 5692 words

Extensive HD (98 - Prize) MBLG1001 Notes

Detailed yet concise MBLG notes with lots of diagrams to aid comprehension of course material. C...

52 pages, 10137 words

High Distinction (92) - MBLG1001/1901 Notes

These notes provide an exceptionally clear and comprehensive overview of the theory content for the...

61 pages, 17764 words


High quality and informative notes from all MBLG lectures and extra notes made from Labs. Covers a...

76 pages, 18431 words

Distinction - MBLG1001 Summary Study Notes

University of Sydney - Summary notes for MBLG1001 Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro) A compre...

31 pages, 10140 words

HD MBLG1001 Complete Notes (Great Visuals)

Comprehensive summary of the MBLG1001 lecture and practical content. Beautifully drawn tables and...

63 pages, 10711 words

Comprehensive lecture notes for MBLG1001 (Distinction)

Dot point summary and diagrams for every MBLG1001 lecture and every topic covered in MBLG1001. Cover...

86 pages, 16465 words

HIGH DISTINCTION MBLG1001 Notes (Theory of Practical Included)

My MBLG1001 notes are concise, yet contain all the information you require to achieve a high distinc...

25 pages, 3583 words

(HD) Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro) (MBLG1001) Notes

This is a complete set of notes for the Molecular Biology and Genetics (Intro) (MBLG1001/1901) cours...

89 pages, 17339 words


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Don't do it if you don't need it. Worst parts of chemistry and biology combined.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

The most important subject if you want to go further in medical sciences, bar none. You probably won't come to appreciate just how important the stuff you do in MBLG1001 is until either third year, or even honours. That said, if you're looking to go on and do subjects in the medical sciences discipline, this is absolutely crucial to nail. A lot of the material is very dense, and you will almost certainly lack the context to fully appreciate it. That said, if you put the work in now, the rest of your uni career will be a breeze. A lot of students hate this course. That's fair enough -- it's very challenging and requires you to put in work. However, it has great support resources, and if you're struggling there are plenty of people who can help. #1 Tip: Supplement your learning with online videos. Don't understand what Okazaki Fragments are? Check youtube for an animation! Stumped on cloning? There are countless videos which break it down for you.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2017

This is quite a though subject but it is not impossible at all to do well in this unit. I think so this unit would be essential for those doing medical science as it would become the foundations of the future units. The best tips for is unit of study is: Do not let the negative thinking influence you in the first place, it is not as bad as what people said! Stay on top of the workloads, ask questions immediately if you are confused about a concept and do not let it pile up. Practical could be very frustrating but make sure that you get a good tutor that could help you with the aasignments. Goodluck!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Very interesting but very content heavy

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Interesting, although quite alot of content and alot of detail. Calculations assignment is the most difficult out of the fortnightly lab assessments. Should be manageable if you constantly study and stay on top of content, however it is a hard and very content heavy course.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

MBLG was a tough subject, however, the lecturers clearly explained what we needed to know, and what was supplementary information. The labs were mostly fun, however they were long and sometimes boring. The best thing about MBLG was the resources, there was literally a tonne of resources so was very doable to get a HD.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This subject has quite a scary reputation but it doesn't quite live up to all the hype. A lot of the material is quite chemistry-heavy, so having a strong chem background will do you immense favours in this subject. The course is also fairly content-heavy, so regular revision will help you out. The first half of the course introduces the main players of molecular biology (amino acids and nucleosides and their polymers) and then goes through the processes of DNA replication, transcription and translation in great detail. To be honest, if the course had finished along with termination of protein synthesis that would have been plenty of content, but this was only 7 or 8 weeks into semester and you don't get off that easily! The last few weeks are spent going through a whole range of current applications and areas of development relevant to the subject - DNA sequencing technologies, DNA forensics and personalised pharmaceuticals, just to name a few. Thankfully not a lot of this material made an appearance in the final exam, and the focus was on the details of the first part of the course. Speaking of the final exam, be prepared to answer nearly 100 multiple choice questions as well as a few short answer questions. The labs, thankfully, were only every fortnight, and usually finished 30 minutes-an hour earlier than scheduled. You can expect to spend a lot of time pipetting very small amounts of liquid and then leaving them to digest for anywhere up to an hour. The demonstrators were generally pretty helpful and friendly which made the labs enjoyable. Overall, it was certainly a challenging subject but it is by no means impossible, so don't believe the hype!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

This subject is not as scary as I was told it was going to be. I do enjoy biochemistry, to a certain degree, so that perhaps helped during the semester. My greatest tip is to just to stay on top of the regular assignments because, although they are not worth a lot individually (around 4% each), they accumulate to a total of 20%! The content is quite difficult, especially in the first few weeks with Dale, but eventually you will get into the groove of things. Also pay attention in the practicals because you have to pass the skills test, and this can be achieved by just paying attention to your demonstrators. The exam is quite difficult but if you work well and consistently throughout the semester you won't necessarily have to do well in the final exam in order to pass or achieve a credit. Good luck :)

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

The exam is retarded. You need to know the content in such excruciating detail just to get one question right. It is very content heavy and Dale is way too chirpy for my liking.

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016

Very content dense unit. Most lecturers are fantastic (especially Dale and Danny) If you are doing Medical Science/Medicine this is an essential subject with really important concepts you need, but they come jam packed into lectures that are too short for content that is too much. The labs are cancerous. Good luck!

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2016