Taxation Law
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View all BLB3134 notesDistinction Notes - 'Taxation Law'
Compiled according to the classes taken by Victoria University, these notes achieved a HD mark and i...
76 pages, 19586 words
Taxation Law Notes - AMAZING
These Taxation Law Notes cover all topics extensively and will give you the ultimate back-up for exa...
115 pages, 25447 words
HD Taxation Law Notes 2017
Highly detailed, accurate and organised Taxation Law notes. Cases are highlighted and legislation i...
65 pages, 24709 words
Become a tutor for BLB3134Samantha
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Hi All! My name is Sam, and I am an expert tutor who will help you ace your assessments, whether the...
$60 per hour
RELIABLE-RESPONSIBLE-PATIENT-ACCESSIBLE [LIVE ZOOM] Looking for a friendly tutor who can help you...
If ever attempting this subject, do not ever think of relying on the lecturer. His communication is poor, he never responds to emails or phone calls... even when a message is left. Attend all classes! And do thorough research of assignment (which you should do anyway, but over compensate), do not expect the lecturer to cover the topic, if at all.