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Subject material is interesting but very heavy. The readings are hard to keep up with especially if you have a full study load. The approach to the assessments is very vague and feels a little underprepared compared to other units. The lecturer does their best to be as informative as possible and helpful but mostly coming into tutorial the class doesn't feel prepared to answer the tutor's questions.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2017

Heaps of readings and Pass was on at the same time as my tutorial for this subject. However in saying this, it had parts which crossed over other subjects and was relevant in someways about communities today.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2016

Thoroughly enjoyed the unit and provided great basis for the history major. It is clear to see why it is a core unit for the history major. The readings are long and thorough, however you need to keep up to date with them otherwise you will easily fall behind. Keep your reader if you are a history major as it will be helpful for other units.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2015

This History unit was to some extent very interesting but also to a point it was a bit difficult to keep up with the readings as there was quite a few each week , other than that the subject was very interesting and insightful in understanding and gaining knowledge about modern history .

Anonymous, Semester 2, 2015

Very interesting unit. Sometimes the was too much content to cover. For a level 1 unit it had some difficult assessments and readings.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014

Fantastic level 1 History core. This is useful groundwork for all 20th Century Australian and European History, and introduces important political and social concepts. Keep on top of the readings- they are long, but rewarding and will be useful for good marks on assessments, and future units in the History major.

Anonymous, Semester 1, 2014