- Subjects
- Education
- 744 ACU Education textbooks
- 3 ACU Education tutors
- 221 ACU Education ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Education subjects at ACU...
Probably not most people's favorite subject because it doesn't really focus on exercise as such, mor...
4 years ago
Very interesting theories for managing behaviour. The lecturer provides an abundance of resources on...
4 years ago
Good amount of helpful content and direction from the lecturer.
4 years ago
A good unit overall. Will be very helpful for creating content for science classed in future. It inc...
4 years ago
Love the psychological side of this unit. There is so much content that will be useful into the futu...
4 years ago
Interesting topics to delve into. The content can be a bit dry at times but the assignments are inte...
4 years ago
Being an online subject, it was very difficult to understand what was going on. The lectures were no...
4 years ago
Judy, Ross and Ameile are in my opinion the greatest thing that's ever happened to ACU. Best teacher...
5 years ago
Interesting unit. Liked learning about different genres. Prepare to get obsessed with purchasing pic...
6 years ago
This was an average subject. It was interesting though, learning about how much of an impact we have...
6 years ago
Weird subject. Wasn't taught very well.
6 years ago
It's very content heavy, requires a generous amount of time dedicated for assignments and exam study...
6 years ago
Good information; however, found that the pacing was too quick.
6 years ago
Great subject if you enjoy mathematics; however, the workload is hectic.
6 years ago
Opt for Phill Devitt- Best tutor at ACU
7 years ago
Best course, there is quite a bit of content but it is all necessary to ensure you have a knowledge...
7 years ago
EDLA167 is a great subject. The textbook is clear . concise and engaging.
8 years ago
The most boring subject you will ever do.
8 years ago
Penny is the best lecturer. Charismatic, funny, kind, and very knowledgeable with the material. She...
8 years ago
You don't need the textbook about theories on literary criticism but otherwise it's a fun unit
8 years ago
Really fun subject. Great teacher
9 years ago
A fairly pointless subject. Terribly lecturer
9 years ago
Great unit learnt so much from this especially having Rebecca as a tutor she is amazing!
9 years ago
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