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Authors: Nickolas James, Rachael Field, Jackson Walkden-Brown
18 hours agoAuthors: Brown, LeMay, Langford, Sagatys, George
5 days agoAuthors: Bruce Alberts, Dennis Bray, Karen Hopkin, Alexander D. Johnson, Keith Roberts, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Peter Walter
5 days agoAuthors: Craig Birtles, Richard Neal, Francis Charles Hutley
2 months agoAuthors: Fisher, Roger/Ury, William
2 months agoAuthors: Rowan Bayne
3 months agoAuthors: Jennifer R. Jamison
3 months agoAuthors: Catriona Sutherland, Sue Hinchliff, Rosemary Rogers
3 months agoAuthors: Suzann K. Campbell, Robert J. Palisano, Margo N. Orlin
3 months agoAuthors: Pryor, Jennifer
3 months agoAuthors: American College of Sports Medicine
3 months agoAuthors: Lundy-Ekman, Laurie
3 months agoAuthors: Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks
3 months agoAuthors: Janet H. Carr, Roberta B. Shepherd
4 months agoAuthors: Elly Hengeveld, Kevin Banks
4 months agoBond textbooks by subject area: