- Subjects
- Health
- 286 CQU Health textbooks
- 43 CQU Health tutors
- 84 CQU Health ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Health subjects at CQU...
Subject is fairly interesting. Assignments aren't well thought out
4 years ago
I can help with this subject. It was my favorite. I scored top mark in this amazing subject
5 years ago
Four stars is mainly for course delivery --> lecturers are extremely capable and provide you with ev...
6 years ago
Personally for me, I found it difficult to link the concepts covered in assignments/lectures to what...
6 years ago
Not exactly a useful subject, won't really help you in your career at all. I guess it has good to kn...
6 years ago
Unit is presented in a logical order with very interesting content. Assessment items had lots of mis...
6 years ago
I found it hard to be enthusiastic for this course
7 years ago
Set lecture notes and videos were great, very well set out and easier to understand however everythi...
8 years ago
A great subject! A very interesting and relevant look at psychological testing!
9 years ago
Do the ALC lectures. Book is cheaper to buy overseas or secondhand.
9 years ago
This textbook is definitely needed for this subject with a lot of the online quizzes coming directly...
9 years ago
Read the textbook, watch the tutorials. Dont worry so much about the lectures as they can make thing...
10 years ago
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