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  • 284 Health subject notes at Deakin
  • 20,824 subject notes Australia-wide

The latest health notes listed at Deakin...

HSN744 - Principles of Dietetics

Deakin HSN744 - Principles of Dietetics

For Trimester 1, 2022


Client Skills Notes

Deakin HPS433 - Client-Centred Skills In Practice

For Trimester 2, 2021


HD (83) Applied Counselling Skills (Advanced) - HPS433

Deakin HPS433 - Client-Centred Skills In Practice

For Trimester 2, 2023


HNN215 Quality Use of Medicines - Drug Portfolio

Deakin HNN215 - Quality Use Of Medications

For Trimester 1, 2023



Deakin HNN215 - Quality Use Of Medications

For Semester 1, 2018


Weekly Topic notes organised according to weekly learning objectives

Deakin HPS432 - Research Methods In Psychology C (Rmc)

For Trimester 1, 2021


HPS301 Summary Notes

Deakin HPS301 - Research Methods B

For Trimester 1, 2022


HPS111 Detailed Module Notes (94)

Deakin HPS111 - Psychology A: Fundamentals of Human Behaviour

For Trimester 1, 2022


HPS307 Personality - Scored 85% on exam

Deakin HPS307 - Personality

For Trimester 2, 2022


[HBS110] summarised notes for the exam 90HD

Deakin HBS110 - Health Behaviour

For Semester 2, 2017


HSE309 Study Guide Notes

Deakin HSE309 - Behavioural Aspects of Sport and Exercise

For Semester 2, 2018


HSE204 Motor Learning and Development Notes

Deakin HSE204 - Motor Learning and Development

For Semester 2, 2016


RMA Study Notes

Deakin HPS201 - Research Methods In Psychology A

For Semester 2, 2017


HNM323 Exam Revision Notes

Deakin HNM323 - Challenges in Infant Care

For Trimester 1, 2019


HNN114: Person-Centred Health Assessment - Summary Notes

Deakin HNN114 - Health Assessment

For Trimester 2, 2022


HD Lifespan nutrition summary table

Deakin HSN202 - Lifespan Nutrition

For Semester 2, 2017


HPS202 Detailed Learning Outcome Notes (HD)

Deakin HPS202 - Child and Adolescent Development

For Trimester 2, 2022



Deakin HNN227 - Quality And Safety: Nursing Practice 3

For Semester 1, 2018


HD ACR302 Notes (Lectures, tutes and readings)

Deakin ACR302 - Criminology Research

For Trimester 2, 2019


High Distinction Research Methods A Exam Notes

Deakin HPS201 - Research Methods In Psychology A

For Semester 2, 2016


HPS431 Psychological Assessment Notes **HD**

Deakin HPS431 - Psychological Assessment

For Trimester 1, 2022


HSN308 - Food, Nutrition and Society

Deakin HSN308 - Food, Nutrition and Society

For Trimester 2, 2021


HPS201 HD Grade (99%) - Unit Outcome Notes

Deakin HPS201 - Research Methods In Psychology A

For Semester 2, 2016


HNN227 Exam notes

Deakin HNN227 - Quality And Safety: Nursing Practice 3

For Trimester 2, 2020


Deakin notes by subject area: