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  • 284 Health subject notes at Deakin
  • 20,824 subject notes Australia-wide

The latest health notes listed at Deakin...

HPS202 Learning Outcomes, Weeks 1-11 (excluding weeks 5 and 10 which were non-content weeks)

Deakin HPS202 - Child and Adolescent Development

For Trimester 2, 2020


HNN215 Exam Notes

Deakin HNN215 - Quality Use Of Medications

For Trimester 2, 2020


HNN215 Exam Notes

Deakin HNN215 - Quality Use Of Medications

For Semester 2, 2018



Deakin HBS108 - Health Information and Data

For Trimester 1, 2023


HNN227 clinical skills hurdle notes

Deakin HNN227 - Quality And Safety: Nursing Practice 3

For Trimester 1, 2020


Health Information and Data

Deakin HBS108 - Health Information and Data

For Semester 2, 2018


HSP202 Notes HD

Deakin HPS202 - Child and Adolescent Development

For Trimester 3, 2020


HNN227 Acute Illness and Supportive Care - Hurdle Cheat Sheet

Deakin HNN227 - Quality And Safety: Nursing Practice 3

For Trimester 1, 2023



Deakin HSE311 - Applied Sports Science 1

For Semester 1, 2018


HBS109 - Human Structure and Function Notes

Deakin HBS109 - Human Structure and Function

For Semester 1, 2017


HPS304- The Social Psychology of Relationships Lecture and Seminar notes

Deakin HPS304 - The Social Psychology of Relationships

For Semester 2, 2017


HPS301 Lecture and Seminar Notes

Deakin HPS301 - Research Methods B

For Semester 2, 2018


HPS301 Complete Notes

Deakin HPS301 - Research Methods B

For Semester 2, 2017


HPS111 Exam Notes Covering All Learning Objectives - 89HD

Deakin HPS111 - Psychology A: Fundamentals of Human Behaviour

For Semester 2, 2018


HPS742 - RMC Unit Notes

Deakin HPS742 - Research Methods in Psychology C

For Semester 1, 2018


HPS301 Summary Notes

Deakin HPS301 - Research Methods B

For Trimester 1, 2020


HBS108: summarised notes//includes all content needed for the exam

Deakin HBS108 - Health Information and Data

For Semester 2, 2017


HNN222 Exam Notes

Deakin HNN222 - Mental Health Nursing

For Trimester 1, 2020


HNN215 Weekly Notes - weeks 1-7 learning outcomes

Deakin HNN215 - Quality Use Of Medications

For Trimester 1, 2020


HNN319 Exam Revision

Deakin HNN319 - Nursing Management of Chronic Illness

For Semester 2, 2018


HNM333 Summary Notes

Deakin HNM333 - Emergency Midwifery Care

For Trimester 1, 2022


Pathways Through Adulthood Exam Notes

Deakin HPS302 - Pathways Through Adulthood

For Trimester 1, 2019


HNN325 Care plans

Deakin HNN325 - Comprehensive Nursing Management and Interventions

For Trimester 2, 2019


HNN319 Chronic Illness and Supportive Care - Exam Notes

Deakin HNN319 - Nursing Management of Chronic Illness

For Trimester 1, 2022


Deakin notes by subject area: