- Monash Uni.
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- Engineering
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- 349 Monash Engineering ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Engineering subjects at Monash Uni....
This unit provides a great introduction to civil, mechanical and materials engineering, however at a...
8 years ago
Great lecturer for this unit. So make use of that and attend all the lectures! Although notes are up...
9 years ago
For Mechatronics students that are taking this unit, you would need to work extra hard as compared t...
9 years ago
It's one of the best units in first year. It's quite fun and easy to get HD. The projects are the be...
9 years ago
Extremely difficult unit. You need to be organised each week to able to pass, let alone getting a HD...
9 years ago
Great Subject
9 years ago
Lecturer teaches the content to a bare minimum and is less than helpful when confronted with questio...
10 years ago
Very well taught for such a complex topic. Very good introduction for those looking to continue ther...
10 years ago
Wing K Chiu is an excellent lecturer and makes the unit a joy to study.
10 years ago
Very heavy on content. Keep up to date. Ask a lot of questions. Good lectures, some decent tutors.
10 years ago
Fairly easy if you keep up to date. Tutors a bit slack.
10 years ago
Fairly easy content. Don't be too pedantic about the group work. Find a group that is organised.
10 years ago
Content over-complicated and not memorable enough to be used in other parts of the course.
10 years ago
A continuation of first year electronics. Starts off quite easy but gets more difficult very quickly...
10 years ago
Interesting unit, if you're into how the internet works. Lecturer knows the content very well, altho...
10 years ago
Lecturer leaves a LOT to be desired... Struggled to understand anything he said and most people stop...
10 years ago
Great hands-on subject with lots of coding in different languages. Expected to remember a lot of spe...
10 years ago
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