- Murdoch Uni.
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- Science
- 376 MU Science textbooks
- 35 MU Science tutors
- 167 MU Science ratings and reviews
Latest activity on Science subjects at Murdoch Uni....
My personal favourite unit out of the 2 semesters I've done so far. Most lectures are really engagin...
7 years ago
If this unit and BSC100 were combined you might actually end up with a halfway helpful unit. If you...
7 years ago
A great unit with really helpful lab demonstrators and a lot of opportunities to learn.
7 years ago
A helpful unit with a lot of content. I found that the lecture summaries and required readings went...
7 years ago
Be wary of this unit - Study hard, make sure you understand every concept before going onto the next...
7 years ago
Unorganised, uninspiring, unnecessary.
7 years ago
Awesome unit! Labs can be a little boring (and time consuming) but the course concepts were well exp...
7 years ago
At times the intriguing nature of the human body is overrun by taxonomy and time constraints in labo...
7 years ago
Extremely interesting course content, provides necessary background information for multiple discipl...
7 years ago
Waste of time for IT students, only 10% of the course is relevant and even then it was at a stretch.
7 years ago
Quality lab sessions
Keep up with the workload you practice
8 years ago
Loved this unit
8 years ago
Aced this unit but didn't go to any workshops so got away wth a supp pass after being forced to comp...
8 years ago
A very interesting unit. What they expect you to gain from the lectures and pretty straightforward....
8 years ago
Great first year unit that reveals the historical logic and non-logic thinking behind many of today'...
8 years ago
As a year 12 graduate I found this unit very easy to finish. Being external the negative was to keep...
8 years ago
Brilliant course that opens your eyes to things you though you knew but in fact didn't completely kn...
8 years ago
Very good introduction to chemistry
8 years ago
Only negative thing about this unit was the fact that assignments were done in groups...dynamics oft...
8 years ago
Really interesting topic! Stay on top of readings and study, it'll prove to be very worthwhile. Only...
8 years ago
Tutorials were the best part of this Unit to be honest. I was lucky to have a younger tutor who was...
8 years ago
need someone to give me the lowdown on livestock science since I'm not from a farming background...
8 years ago
A tutor would be helpful!
8 years ago
Mmm organs. Visceral anatomy and a bunch about the autonomic nervous system. Lots of study but well...
9 years ago
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