
All you need to know for your final practical exam. These exam notes contain all the major lifts that will likely be on your final exam, along with the movements and muscles involved. Also included are anatomical pictures and a detailed list of variations. Table of Contents ALL MUSCLES AND MOVEMENTS UPPER LIMB Glenohumeral horizontal flexion Glenohumeral flexion Glenohumeral horizontal extension Glenohumeral extension Glenohumeral adduction Glenohumeral abduction Humeral head stabilisation Glenohumeral internal rotation Glenohumeral external rotation Elbow flexion Elbow extension Scapular upward rotation Scapular downward rotation Scapular retraction Scapular stabilisation LOWER LIMB Hip flexion Hip extension Hip abduction Hip adduction Femoral head Knee extension Knee flexion Dorsiflexion Plantar flexion CORE Lumbar spine stabilisation (deep) Lumbar spine stabilisation (superficial) EXERCISES Bench press Seated row Shoulder Press Lat Pull down Squat and Deadlift VARIATIONS Bench Press Variations Shoulder Press Variations Seated Row Variations Lat Pull Down Variations Squat Variations Deadlift Variations


Semester 2, 2018

32 pages

1,950 words



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