Intro to Digital Imaging - LECTURE NOTES
Subject notes for Swinburne DIG10007
These notes cover both the essential techniques and the theories explored in this unit. They provide information taken from weeks 1 to 11, as there was no 12th-week lecture. LIST OF TOPICS COVERED: 1. How images work: Understanding visual literacy 2. Photography and Place 3. Camera Anatomy: Understanding the camera 4. Self-portrait vs Selfie: Differences in self-representation 5. Photographing with time: Street photography and Tableau Vivant 6. Working with light 7. Digital Philosophy: A deeper understanding of images 8. Constructing series: How images work 9. Photography in the Digital Era 10. Taboo images 11. Why do we take images?
Semester 1, 2019
13 pages
2,286 words
Swinburne, Hawthorn
Member since
July 2018