DEV2022 Lecture/Exam HD Notes
Subject notes for Monash DEV2022
My notes are a comprehensive combination of both lecture content and practicals, allowing me to get a HD for the subject. The notes were created throughout the semester and are in-depth and thorough, with images to consolidate knowledge. Every stage of development and anatomy is explored with critical detail. The main topics covered in the notes are Human Body Plan, Musculoskeletal System, Skeletal Tissue Origins, Imagining, Anatomy of Body Wall, Heart and Vasculature Anatomy & Development, Clinical Perspective, Respiratory Anatomy and Development, Skin Anatomy and Defects, Limb Patterning, Nervous System Anatomy - Histology - Development. The notes are designed with each new lecture having a title coloured in red. The titles in blue are sub-topics within that lecture.
Semester 2, 2017
57 pages
12,706 words
Monash, Melbourne
Member since
March 2019