
Very easy to follow, reliable and useful OTC medications table for the OSCE. Cross checked with the AMH and other sources. Guaranteed to get you a pass (and more) in the OSCE. Has pictures, tables, flow charts to help with diagnosis and treatment, etc. Covers: 1) Red Eyes (page 2) 2) Diarrhoea (page 8) 3) Irritable bowel syndrome (page 811 4) Constipation (page 12) 5) Worms (page 17) 6) Lice (page 18) 7) Scabies (page 22) 8) Skin (page 25) 9) Sore Ear (page 28) 10) Oral Health (page 33) 11) Sore Throat (page 42) 12) Cough (page 43) 13) Hypertension (page 46) 14) Headache & Migraine (page 47) 15) Pain (page 50) 16) Heart Burn (page 54) 17) Haemorrhoids (page 57) 18) Sinusitis, Nasal, Allergic Rhinitis, Cold and Flu (page 59) 19) Travel Health (page 68)


Semester 2, 2018

69 pages

25,000 words



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USYD, Camperdown/Darlington

Member since

March 2017