
Complete and comprehensive 65-page notes for Macroeconomics 1 at UNSW including all relevant information taken directly from the prescribed textbook. Nothing that the class covers is not covered by these notes in easy to understand terms and with examples. Save yourself the time from two weekly lectures! Topics covered include: Ch1 - Aggregate Production and Prices Ch2 - Employment, Unemployment and the Labour Market Ch3 - Interest Rates, Investment and Saving Ch4 - Income-Expenditure Model of GDP Ch5 - Government Sector and Fiscal Policy Ch6 - Financial Assets, Money and Private Banks Ch7 - Central Banks and Monetary Policy Ch8 - Aggregate Demand + Aggregate Supply Ch9 - International Macroeconomics and Exchange Rates Ch10 - Economic Growth


Term 2, 2019

65 pages

24,035 words


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UNSW, Kensington

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March 2018