
Comprehensive and well explained final exam notes for LAWS1016/LAWS5004 created from a range of resources: seminars, the prescribed textbook (David Brown et al 6th ed), case/legislation, extended readings and online content. Notes relate to LAWS5004 but cover all necessary aspects of the LLB Criminal Law subject. The download file contains: 1. Complete notes, covering the content from every single seminar throughout the semester. 2. Summarised scaffolds for the studied offences/defences (highlighted in the table of contents). Makes it easy to flick through during the exam. The scaffolds are done in a flowchart (see the murder extract) which logically flows from one part to the next, AR -> MR -> Temporal Coincidence etc. 3. Example questions & answers These notes allowed me to achieve a 'high(er)' distinction (lol) in the course. Hope they also help you achieve stellar marks. Good luck!


Semester 2, 2019

105 pages

27,616 words



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