
These notes are a comprehensive summary of AFM322 compiled from lectures, lecture notes, and textbook readings. I received an Distinction in this unit, so these notes are very high quality. They simplify complicated ideas, while explaining them succinctly. They will be beneficial to any student undertaking this unit, as it is a very theoretical unit with lots of new concepts not touched upon in other business school subjects. The topics covered in these notes are: Topic 1 - Why Small Businesses are Special Topic 2 - Economic Theory & Small Firms Topic 3 - Legal Structures, Ownership, and Exit Pathways Topic 4 - Agency & Signalling Theory Perspectives Topic 5 - Access to Equity Finance Topic 6 - Access to Debt Finance Topic 7 - Capital Structure Topic 8 - Small Firm Growth Topic 9 - Success & Failure in Small Firms Topic 10 - Small Firm Valuations


Trimester 1, 2020

54 pages

23,629 words



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UNE, Armidale

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April 2017