
These notes are a comprehensive account of readings, lectures and STS content. They have then been synthesized down into a condensed structure that actually makes sense (contrary to the curriculum's way of doing it). For this reason, the notes flow from company types into duties and then finally into breach because this is how you will answer in the exam. The 'breach' section has also been restructured so that it is by offence, so you can access the info easily. Rules of law are succinctly stated and followed by the authority (eg ...(Plymin-Mandie J)). At important areas, key facts are outlined for your hypo analogising (eg. Salomon:...). Further, rather than only throwing chunks of text, I have created many focussed tables for YOUR convenience (see sample) and this is throughout the notes (believe me, you will want the one for director's duties because the CA is a mess). Personal tips from me are also interspersed throughout, telling you to 'ALWAYS MENTION' or 'CONSIDER'. No joke, these notes took me between 25-30 hours over the semester just because of the sheer amount of content that needs to be filtered and processed; there is so much irrelevant content in the readings but at the same time the curriculum presumes you know what is relevant from the readings so does not cover everything. Abbreviations: RR (Replaceable Rules), CA (Corporations Act), Co (Company), Prop/pty (Proprietary) Topics: Characterising companies, corporate groups, corporate veil, internal management, directors/officers, good faith, proper purpose, due care, conflict, corporate authority, dividends and share capital and consequences of breach


Semester 2, 2020

23 pages

15,108 words



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