
HD comprehensive summary notes of lecture content + textbook reading (compiled throughout the entire semester). These are not simply lecture summaries, rather, they are scattered bits of information glued together, categorised into different sections, and laid out in a table format for easy access and improved cohesiveness. I have consistently scored 100% in most of the IMM tutes essays and achieved an overall HD in the unit so I am familiar with the content and the writing style required to score well, hope this helps! Topics include: ☼ Immune cells (location, function, cytokines) ☼ Different kinds of cytokines (released by what cells and functions) ☼ Different types of receptors ☼ Different immunological events in the innate and adaptive immune system (complement activation, macrophage activation, phagocytosis, leukocyte migration, central tolerance, T cell and B cell maturation, differentiation of Th cells, the list goes ) ☼ Complementary section: comparing different components (MHC class I vs class II, B cell vs T cell activation, naive T cell vs mature T cell migration, etc) ☺︎ Note: due to copy right issues, unfortunately I could not put in diagrams from the lecture slides/ textbook, but I found out using diagrams in Immunology really helped consolidate my knowledge, so using diagrams to supplement your learning is highly recommended ☺︎ Friendly reminder: these notes are not a substitute for personal study. IMM 2011 relies heavily on understanding and application rather than simply regurgitating the content. Hence, it is recommended that you use these notes to complement your study and perhaps enhance your understanding of more nuanced concepts.


Semester 1, 2021

28 pages

5,894 words



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Monash, Clayton

Member since

July 2020

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