
Detailed notes for NEUR30004 Complex Functions in Neuroscience coordinated by Prof Stuart Mazzone. It's been arranged in a style optimum for the "active recall" study technique on the Notion platform, and has been arranged into questions based on each lecture's learning objective points. These notes helped me get a solid H1 in all assessments for this subject. Relevant knowledge from other subjects (NEUR30003 Principles of Neuro, NEUR30002 Neurophysiology, PSYC30020 The Integrated Brain) has been added to make more well-rounded answers for the final. The notes are a convenient resource for online exams, as the words can be identified via the CTRL+F function. Topics include: Week 1: Intro to complex functions, cortical arealisation + development Week 2: Form + function - morphology + scale level + capacity Week 3: Sleep, attention Week 4: Consciousness research, bottom-up + top-down models Week 5: Language, numeracy + knowledge Week 6: Logic + mathematics + reality, Florey Institute research lecture (Dr Tony Hannan & Dr Jess Nithianantharajah) Week 7: no lecture - MST Week 8: Peripheral pain mechanisms, nociceptor functional anatomy Week 9: Phenotyping nociceptors, visceral sensation + pain Week 10: Spinal nociceptive circuits, ascending nociceptive pathways Week 11: Descending pathways, interception Workshops: localising brain function with fMRI, split brains, reading + language, pain + nociception


Semester 2, 2021

96 pages

26,559 words



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